require 'unit_spec_helper' describe Shoulda::Matchers::ActiveModel::ValidateAbsenceOfMatcher, type: :model do if active_model_4_0? def self.available_column_types [ :string, :text, :integer, :float, :decimal, :datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date, :binary ] end context 'a model with an absence validation' do it 'accepts' do expect(validating_absence_of(:attr)).to validate_absence_of(:attr) end it 'does not override the default message with a present' do expect(validating_absence_of(:attr)).to validate_absence_of(:attr).with_message(nil) end available_column_types.each do |type| context "when column is of type #{type}" do it "accepts" do expect(validating_absence_of(:attr, {}, type: type)). to validate_absence_of(:attr) end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { accept_if_qualified_but_changing_value_does_not_interfere: { changing_values_with: :next_value }, } ) define_method(:validation_matcher_scenario_args) do |*args| super(*args).deep_merge(column_type: type) end end end def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(model_creator: :active_record) end end context 'a model without an absence validation' do it 'rejects with the correct failure message' do record = define_model(:example, attr: :string).new message = <<-MESSAGE Example did not properly validate that :attr is empty/falsy. After setting :attr to ‹"an arbitrary value"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE assertion = lambda do expect(record).to validate_absence_of(:attr) end expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end context 'an ActiveModel class with an absence validation' do it 'accepts' do expect(active_model_validating_absence_of(:attr)).to validate_absence_of(:attr) end it 'does not override the default message with a blank' do expect(active_model_validating_absence_of(:attr)).to validate_absence_of(:attr).with_message(nil) end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { accept_if_qualified_but_changing_value_does_not_interfere: { changing_values_with: :upcase }, } ) def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(model_creator: :active_model) end end context 'an ActiveModel class without an absence validation' do it 'rejects with the correct failure message' do message = <<-MESSAGE Example did not properly validate that :attr is empty/falsy. After setting :attr to ‹"an arbitrary value"›, the matcher expected the Example to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE assertion = lambda do expect(active_model_with(:attr)).to validate_absence_of(:attr) end expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end context 'a has_many association with an absence validation' do it 'requires the attribute to not be set' do expect(having_many(:children, absence: true)).to validate_absence_of(:children) end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { accept_if_qualified_but_changing_value_does_not_interfere: { changing_values_with: :next_value }, } ) def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(model_creator: :"active_record/has_many") end end context 'a has_many association without an absence validation' do it 'does not require the attribute to not be set' do expect(having_many(:children, absence: false)). not_to validate_absence_of(:children) end end context 'an absent has_and_belongs_to_many association' do it 'accepts' do model = having_and_belonging_to_many(:children, absence: true) expect(model).to validate_absence_of(:children) end it_supports( 'ignoring_interference_by_writer', tests: { accept_if_qualified_but_changing_value_does_not_interfere: { changing_values_with: :next_value }, } ) def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(model_creator: :"active_record/habtm") end end context 'a non-absent has_and_belongs_to_many association' do it 'rejects with the correct failure message' do model = having_and_belonging_to_many(:children, absence: false) message = <<-MESSAGE Parent did not properly validate that :children is empty/falsy. After setting :children to ‹[#]›, the matcher expected the Parent to be invalid, but it was valid instead. MESSAGE assertion = lambda do expect(model).to validate_absence_of(:children) end expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end context "an i18n translation containing %{attribute} and %{model}" do after { I18n.backend.reload! } it "does not raise an exception" do stub_translation("activerecord.errors.messages.present", "%{attribute} must be blank in a %{model}") expect { expect(validating_absence_of(:attr)).to validate_absence_of(:attr) }.to_not raise_exception end end context "an attribute with a context-dependent validation" do context "without the validation context" do it "does not match" do expect(validating_absence_of(:attr, on: :customisable)).not_to validate_absence_of(:attr) end end context "with the validation context" do it "matches" do expect(validating_absence_of(:attr, on: :customisable)).to validate_absence_of(:attr).on(:customisable) end end end def define_model_validating_absence_of(attr, validation_options = {}, given_column_options = {}) default_column_options = { type: :string, options: {} } column_options = default_column_options.merge(given_column_options) define_model :example, attr => column_options do |model| model.validates_absence_of(attr, validation_options) if block_given? yield model end end end def validating_absence_of(attr, validation_options = {}, given_column_options = {}) model = define_model_validating_absence_of( attr, validation_options, given_column_options ) end alias_method :build_record_validating_absence_of, :validating_absence_of def active_model_with(attr, &block) define_active_model_class('Example', accessors: [attr], &block).new end def active_model_validating_absence_of(attr) active_model_with(attr) do validates_absence_of attr end end def having_many(plural_name, options = {}) define_model plural_name.to_s.singularize define_model :parent do has_many plural_name if options[:absence] validates_absence_of plural_name end end def having_and_belonging_to_many(plural_name, options = {}) create_table 'children_parents', id: false do |t| t.integer "#{plural_name.to_s.singularize}_id" t.integer :parent_id end define_model plural_name.to_s.singularize define_model :parent do has_and_belongs_to_many plural_name if options[:absence] validates_absence_of plural_name end end def validation_matcher_scenario_args super.deep_merge(matcher_name: :validate_absence_of) end end end