module SugarCRM; class Response class << self # This class handles the response from the server. # It tries to convert the response into an object such as User # or an object collection. If it fails, it just returns the response hash def handle(json) r = new(json) begin return r.to_obj rescue UninitializedModule => e raise e rescue InvalidAttribute => e raise e rescue InvalidAttributeType => e raise e rescue => e if SugarCRM.connection.debug? puts "Failed to process JSON:" pp json raise e end return json end end end attr :response, false def initialize(json) @response = json @response = json.with_indifferent_access if json.is_a? Hash end # Tries to instantiate and return an object with the values # populated from the response def to_obj # If this is not a "entry_list" response, just return return @response unless @response["entry_list"] objects = [] @response["entry_list"].each do |object| attributes = [] _module = resolve_module(object) attributes = flatten_name_value_list(object) if SugarCRM.const_get(_module) if attributes.length == 0 raise AttributeParsingError, "response contains objects without attributes!" end objects << SugarCRM.const_get(_module).new(attributes) else raise InvalidModule, "#{_module} does not exist, or is not accessible" end end # If we only have one result, just return the object if objects.length == 1 return objects[0] else return objects end end def to_json @response.to_json end def resolve_module(list) list["module_name"].classify end def flatten_name_value_list(list) if list["name_value_list"] return flatten(list["name_value_list"]) else return false end end # Takes a hash like { "first_name" => {"name" => "first_name", "value" => "John"}} # And flattens it into {"first_name" => "John"} def flatten(list) raise ArgumentError, 'method parameter must respond to #each_pair' unless list.respond_to? :each_pair flat_list = {} list.each_pair do |k,v| flat_list[k.to_sym] = v["value"] end flat_list end end; end