require 'cgi' require 'og/relation/all' #-- # TODO: find a better name! # TODO: this is nitro request specific, should probably get moved # into the Nitro directory. #++ class AttributeUtils class << self #-- # TODO: Add preprocessing. #++ def set_attr(obj, name, value) obj.send("__force_#{name}", value) rescue Object => ex obj.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", value) end # Populate an object from a hash of values. # This is a truly dangerous method. # # === Options # # * name # * force_boolean def populate_object(obj, values, options = {}) # If a class is passed create an instance. obj = if obj.is_a?(Class) for sym in obj.class.serializable_attributes anno = obj.class.ann(sym) unless options[:all] # THINK: should skip control none attributes? next if sym == obj.class.primary_key or anno.control == :none or anno.disable_control? end prop_name = sym.to_s # See if there is an incoming request param for this prop. if values.has_key? prop_name prop_value = values[prop_name] # to_s must be called on the prop_value incase the # request is IOString. prop_value = prop_value.to_s unless prop_value.is_a?(Hash) or prop_value.is_a?(Array) # If property is a Blob dont overwrite current # property's data if "". break if anno.class == Og::Blob and prop_value.empty? set_attr(obj, prop_name, CGI.unescape(prop_value)) elsif options[:force_boolean] and (anno.class == TrueClass or anno.class == FalseClass) # Set a boolean property to false if it is not in the # request. Requires force_boolean == true. set_attr(obj, prop_name, 0) obj.send("__force_#{prop_name}", 0) end end if options[:assign_relations] for rel in obj.class.relations unless options[:all] next if rel.options[:control] == :none or rel.options[:disable_control] end rel_name = # Renew the relations from values if rel.kind_of?(Og::RefersTo) if foreign_oid = values[rel_name] foreign_oid = foreign_oid.to_s unless foreign_oid.is_a?(Hash) or foreign_oid.is_a?(Array) foreign_oid = nil if foreign_oid == 'nil' or foreign_oid == 'none' end set_attr(obj, rel.foreign_key, foreign_oid) elsif rel.kind_of?(Og::JoinsMany) || rel.kind_of?(Og::HasMany) collection = obj.send(rel_name) collection.remove_all if values.has_key?(rel_name) primary_keys = values[rel_name] primary_keys.each do |v| v = v.to_s next if v == "nil" or v == "none" collection << rel.target_class[v.to_i] end end end end end #-- # gmosx, FIXME: this is a hack, will be replaced with proper # code soon. #++ for callback in obj.class.assign_callbacks, values, options) end if obj.class.respond_to?(:assign_callbacks) return obj end end end