module Pagetience class Meditate DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE = 'Timed out waiting for the expected result.' attr_accessor :timeout, :polling, :block class << self def for(opts, &block) opts[:timeout] ||= 30 opts[:polling] ||= 1 opts[:msg] ||= DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE[:timeout], opts[:polling]) { }.until_enlightened opts[:expecting], opts[:msg] end end def initialize(timeout=30, polling=1, &block) @timeout = timeout @polling = polling @block = block end def until_enlightened(expected=nil, msg=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE) raise ArgumentError, 'Timeout cannot be lower than the polling value.' unless @timeout > @polling while @timeout > 0 && @timeout > @polling @latest_result = break if @latest_result == expected sleep @polling @timeout = @timeout - @polling end msg = msg.send(:call) if msg.is_a? Proc raise Pagetience::TimeoutError, msg unless @latest_result == expected @latest_result end end end