require 'logger' require 'socket' require 'spec_helper' describe Rollbar do context 'report_exception' do before(:each) do configure Rollbar.configure do |config| config.logger = logger_mock end begin foo = bar rescue => e @exception = e end end let(:logger_mock) { double("Rails.logger").as_null_object } it 'should report exceptions without person or request data' do logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success') Rollbar.report_exception(@exception) end it 'should not report anything when disabled' do logger_mock.should_not_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success') Rollbar.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end Rollbar.report_exception(@exception) Rollbar.configure do |config| config.enabled = true end end it 'should be enabled when freshly configured' do Rollbar.configuration.enabled.should == true end it 'should not be enabled when not configured' do Rollbar.unconfigure Rollbar.configuration.enabled.should be_nil Rollbar.report_exception(@exception).should == 'disabled' end it 'should stay disabled if configure is called again' do Rollbar.unconfigure # configure once, setting enabled to false. Rollbar.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end # now configure again (perhaps to change some other values) Rollbar.configure do |config| end Rollbar.configuration.enabled.should == false Rollbar.report_exception(@exception).should == 'disabled' end it 'should report exceptions with request and person data' do logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success') request_data = { :params => { :foo => "bar" }, :url => 'http://localhost/', :user_ip => '', :headers => {}, :GET => { "baz" => "boz" }, :session => { :user_id => 123 }, :method => "GET", } person_data = { :id => 1, :username => "test", :email => "" } Rollbar.report_exception(@exception, request_data, person_data) end it 'should ignore ignored exception classes' do saved_filters = Rollbar.configuration.exception_level_filters Rollbar.configure do |config| config.exception_level_filters = { 'NameError' => 'ignore' } end logger_mock.should_not_receive(:info) logger_mock.should_not_receive(:warn) logger_mock.should_not_receive(:error) Rollbar.report_exception(@exception) Rollbar.configure do |config| config.exception_level_filters = saved_filters end end it 'should not report exceptions when silenced' do Rollbar.should_not_receive :schedule_payload begin test_var = 1 Rollbar.silenced do test_var = 2 raise end rescue => e Rollbar.report_exception(e) end test_var.should == 2 end it 'should report exception objects with no backtrace' do payload = nil Rollbar.stub(:schedule_payload) do |*args| payload = MultiJson.load(args[0]) end Rollbar.report_exception("oops")) payload["data"]["body"]["trace"]["frames"].should == [] payload["data"]["body"]["trace"]["exception"]["class"].should == "StandardError" payload["data"]["body"]["trace"]["exception"]["message"].should == "oops" end it 'should return the exception data with a uuid, on platforms with SecureRandom' do if defined?(SecureRandom) and SecureRandom.respond_to?(:uuid) Rollbar.stub(:schedule_payload) do |*args| end exception_data = Rollbar.report_exception("oops")) exception_data[:uuid].should_not be_nil end end end context 'report_message' do before(:each) do configure Rollbar.configure do |config| config.logger = logger_mock end end let(:logger_mock) { double("Rails.logger").as_null_object } it 'should report simple messages' do logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Scheduling payload') logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success') Rollbar.report_message("Test message") end it 'should not report anything when disabled' do logger_mock.should_not_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success') Rollbar.configure do |config| config.enabled = false end Rollbar.report_message("Test message that should be ignored") Rollbar.configure do |config| config.enabled = true end end it 'should report messages with extra data' do logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success') Rollbar.report_message("Test message with extra data", 'debug', :foo => "bar", :hash => { :a => 123, :b => "xyz" }) end it 'should not crash with circular extra_data' do a = { :foo => "bar" } b = { :a => a } c = { :b => b } a[:c] = c logger_mock.should_receive(:error).with(/\[Rollbar\] Error reporting message to Rollbar: (nesting of \d+ is too deep|object references itself)/) Rollbar.report_message("Test message with circular extra data", 'debug', a) end after(:each) do Rollbar.configure do |config| config.logger = ::Rails.logger end end end context 'payload_destination' do before(:each) do configure Rollbar.configure do |config| config.logger = logger_mock config.filepath = 'test.rollbar' end begin foo = bar rescue => e @exception = e end end let(:logger_mock) { double("Rails.logger").as_null_object } it 'should send the payload over the network by default' do logger_mock.should_not_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Writing payload to file') logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Sending payload') logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success') Rollbar.report_exception(@exception) end it 'should save the payload to a file if set' do logger_mock.should_not_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Sending payload') logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Writing payload to file') logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success') filepath = '' Rollbar.configure do |config| config.write_to_file = true filepath = config.filepath end Rollbar.report_exception(@exception) File.exist?(filepath).should == true include test_access_token File.delete(filepath) Rollbar.configure do |config| config.write_to_file = false end end end context 'asynchronous_handling' do before(:each) do configure Rollbar.configure do |config| config.logger = logger_mock end begin foo = bar rescue => e @exception = e end end let(:logger_mock) { double("Rails.logger").as_null_object } it 'should send the payload using the default asynchronous handler girl_friday' do logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Scheduling payload') logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Sending payload') logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success') Rollbar.configure do |config| config.use_async = true GirlFriday::WorkQueue::immediate! end Rollbar.report_exception(@exception) Rollbar.configure do |config| config.use_async = false GirlFriday::WorkQueue::queue! end end it 'should send the payload using a user-supplied asynchronous handler' do logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('Custom async handler called') logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Sending payload') logger_mock.should_receive(:info).with('[Rollbar] Success') Rollbar.configure do |config| config.use_async = true config.async_handler = { |payload| 'Custom async handler called' Rollbar.process_payload(payload) } end Rollbar.report_exception(@exception) Rollbar.configure do |config| config.use_async = false config.async_handler = Rollbar.method(:default_async_handler) end end end context 'message_data' do before(:each) do configure @message_body = "This is a test" @level = 'debug' end it 'should build a message' do data = Rollbar.send(:message_data, @message_body, @level, {}) data[:body][:message][:body].should == @message_body data[:level].should == @level data[:custom].should be_nil end it 'should accept extra_data' do user_id = 123 name = "Tester" data = Rollbar.send(:message_data, @message_body, 'info', :user_id => user_id, :name => name) data[:level].should == 'info' message = data[:body][:message] message[:body].should == @message_body message[:user_id].should == user_id message[:name].should == name end it 'should build a message with custom data when configured' do Rollbar.configure do |config| config.custom_data_method = lambda { {:foo => "bar", :hello => [1, 2, 3]} } end data = Rollbar.send(:message_data, @message_body, @level, {}) data[:level].should == @level data[:body][:message][:body].should == @message_body data[:custom].should_not be_nil data[:custom][:foo].should == "bar" data[:custom][:hello][2].should == 3 Rollbar.configure do |config| config.custom_data_method = nil end end end context 'exception_data' do before(:each) do configure begin foo = bar rescue => e @exception = e end end it 'should accept force_level' do level = 'critical' data = Rollbar.send(:exception_data, @exception, level) data[:level].should == level end it 'should build valid exception data' do data = Rollbar.send(:exception_data, @exception) data[:level].should_not be_nil data[:custom].should be_nil trace = data[:body][:trace] frames = trace[:frames] frames.should be_a_kind_of(Array) frames.each do |frame| frame[:filename].should be_a_kind_of(String) frame[:lineno].should be_a_kind_of(Fixnum) if frame[:method] frame[:method].should be_a_kind_of(String) end end # should be NameError, but can be NoMethodError sometimes on rubinius 1.8 # trace[:exception][:class].should match(/^(NameError|NoMethodError)$/) trace[:exception][:message].should match(/^(undefined local variable or method `bar'|undefined method `bar' on an instance of)/) end it 'should include custom data when configured' do Rollbar.configure do |config| config.custom_data_method = lambda { {:foo => "baz", :hello => [4, 5, 6]} } end data = Rollbar.send(:exception_data, @exception) data[:body][:trace].should_not be_nil data[:custom][:foo].should == "baz" data[:custom][:hello][2].should == 6 Rollbar.configure do |config| config.custom_data_method = nil end end end context 'logger' do before(:each) do reset_configuration end it 'should have use the Rails logger when configured to do so' do configure Rollbar.send(:logger).should == ::Rails.logger end it 'should use the default_logger when no logger is set' do logger = Rollbar.configure do |config| config.default_logger = lambda { logger } end Rollbar.send(:logger).should == logger end it 'should have a default default_logger' do Rollbar.send(:logger).should_not be_nil end after(:each) do reset_configuration end end context 'build_payload' do it 'should build valid json' do json = Rollbar.send(:build_payload, {:foo => {:bar => "baz"}}) hash = MultiJson.load(json) hash["data"]["foo"]["bar"].should == "baz" end end context 'base_data' do before(:each) { configure } it 'should have the correct notifier name' do Rollbar.send(:base_data)[:notifier][:name].should == 'rollbar-gem' end it 'should have the correct notifier version' do Rollbar.send(:base_data)[:notifier][:version].should == Rollbar::VERSION end it 'should have all the required keys' do data = Rollbar.send(:base_data) data[:timestamp].should_not be_nil data[:environment].should_not be_nil data[:level].should_not be_nil data[:language].should == 'ruby' data[:framework].should match(/^Rails/) end it 'should have a default production environment' do data = Rollbar.send(:base_data) data[:environment].should == 'production' end it 'should have an overridden environment' do Rollbar.configure do |config| config.environment = 'overridden' end data = Rollbar.send(:base_data) data[:environment].should == 'overridden' end it 'should not have custom data under default configuration' do data = Rollbar.send(:base_data) data[:custom].should be_nil end it 'should have custom data when custom_data_method is configured' do Rollbar.configure do |config| config.custom_data_method = lambda { {:a => 1, :b => [2, 3, 4]} } end data = Rollbar.send(:base_data) data[:custom].should_not be_nil data[:custom][:a].should == 1 data[:custom][:b][2].should == 4 end end context 'server_data' do it 'should have the right hostname' do Rollbar.send(:server_data)[:host] == Socket.gethostname end it 'should have root and branch set when configured' do configure Rollbar.configure do |config| config.root = '/path/to/root' config.branch = 'master' end data = Rollbar.send(:server_data) data[:root].should == '/path/to/root' data[:branch].should == 'master' end end context "project_gems" do it "should include gem paths for specified project gems in the payload" do gems = ['rack', 'rspec-rails'] gem_paths = [] Rollbar.configure do |config| config.project_gems = gems end gems.each {|gem| gem_paths.push(Gem::Specification.find_by_name(gem).gem_dir) } data = Rollbar.send(:message_data, 'test', 'info', {}) data[:project_package_paths].kind_of?(Array).should == true data[:project_package_paths].length.should == gem_paths.length data[:project_package_paths].each_with_index{|path, index| path.should == gem_paths[index] } end end # configure with some basic params def configure Rollbar.reconfigure do |config| # special test access token config.access_token = test_access_token config.logger = ::Rails.logger config.root = ::Rails.root config.framework = "Rails: #{::Rails::VERSION::STRING}" end end def test_access_token 'aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffff00001111' end end