# Europeana Blacklight Quick Start Guide ## Install Rails 4 ``` gem install rails rails -v # Rails 4.2.4 ``` ## Create a new Rails application ``` rails new culture_vulture cd culture_vulture ``` ## Bundle europeana-blacklight Add to the Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'europeana-blacklight', github: 'europeana/europeana-blacklight', require: 'europeana/blacklight' ``` ## Get a Europeana API key From http://labs.europeana.eu/api/ ## Install Blacklight with the Europeana API adapter ``` bundle install bundle exec rails generate blacklight:install --devise bundle exec rails generate europeana:blacklight:install YOUR_API_KEY bundle exec rake db:migrate ``` ## Customise the config Review the generated `CatalogController` and adjust the default configuration to your preferences. ## Start the application ``` bundle exec rails server ```