Class Gossiper

  extended by org.apache.cassandra.gms.Gossiper
All Implemented Interfaces:
IEndPointStateChangePublisher, IFailureDetectionEventListener

public class Gossiper
extends java.lang.Object
implements IFailureDetectionEventListener, IEndPointStateChangePublisher

This module is responsible for Gossiping information for the local endpoint. This abstraction maintains the list of live and dead endpoints. Periodically i.e. every 1 second this module chooses a random node and initiates a round of Gossip with it. A round of Gossip involves 3 rounds of messaging. For instance if node A wants to initiate a round of Gossip with node B it starts off by sending node B a GossipDigestSynMessage. Node B on receipt of this message sends node A a GossipDigestAckMessage. On receipt of this message node A sends node B a GossipDigestAck2Message which completes a round of Gossip. This module as and when it hears one of the three above mentioned messages updates the Failure Detector with the liveness information.

Nested Class Summary
static class Gossiper.GossipDigestAck2VerbHandler
static class Gossiper.GossipDigestAckVerbHandler
static class Gossiper.GossipDigestSynVerbHandler
static class Gossiper.JoinVerbHandler
Field Summary
static Gossiper instance
static int intervalInMillis_
Method Summary
 void addLocalApplicationState(java.lang.String key, ApplicationState appState)
 void convict( endpoint)
          This method is part of IFailureDetectionEventListener interface.
 int getCurrentGenerationNumber( endpoint)
 java.util.Set<> getLiveMembers()
 java.util.Set<> getUnreachableMembers()
 boolean isKnownEndpoint( endpoint)
 void register(IEndPointStateChangeSubscriber subscriber)
          Register with the Gossiper for EndPointState notifications
 void removeEndPoint( endpoint)
          Removes the endpoint completely from Gossip
 void start( localEndPoint, int generationNbr)
          Start the gossiper with the generation # retrieved from the System table
 void stop()
 void unregister(IEndPointStateChangeSubscriber subscriber)
          Unregister interest for state changes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int intervalInMillis_
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final Gossiper instance
Method Detail


public void register(IEndPointStateChangeSubscriber subscriber)
Register with the Gossiper for EndPointState notifications

Specified by:
register in interface IEndPointStateChangePublisher
subscriber - module which implements the IEndPointStateChangeSubscriber


public void unregister(IEndPointStateChangeSubscriber subscriber)
Description copied from interface: IEndPointStateChangePublisher
Unregister interest for state changes.

Specified by:
unregister in interface IEndPointStateChangePublisher
subscriber - module which implements the IEndPointStateChangeSubscriber


public java.util.Set<> getLiveMembers()


public java.util.Set<> getUnreachableMembers()


public void convict( endpoint)
This method is part of IFailureDetectionEventListener interface. This is invoked by the Failure Detector when it convicts an end point. param @ endpoint end point that is convicted.

Specified by:
convict in interface IFailureDetectionEventListener
endpoint - endpoint to be convicted


public void removeEndPoint( endpoint)
Removes the endpoint completely from Gossip


public boolean isKnownEndpoint( endpoint)


public int getCurrentGenerationNumber( endpoint)


public void start( localEndPoint,
                  int generationNbr)
Start the gossiper with the generation # retrieved from the System table


public void addLocalApplicationState(java.lang.String key,
                                     ApplicationState appState)


public void stop()

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