RSpec.describe Dry::Validation::Schema, 'defining schema using dry types' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:email).filled(Email) required(:age).maybe(Age) required(:country).filled(Country) optional(:admin).maybe(AdminBit) end end before do Email = Dry::Types['strict.string'] Age = Dry::Types[''].constrained(gt: 18) Country = Dry::Types['strict.string'].enum('Australia', 'Poland') AdminBit = Dry::Types['strict.bool'] end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :Email) Object.send(:remove_const, :Age) Object.send(:remove_const, :Country) Object.send(:remove_const, :AdminBit) end it 'passes when input is valid' do expect(schema.(email: 'jane@doe', age: 19, country: 'Australia')).to be_success expect(schema.(email: 'jane@doe', age: nil, country: 'Poland')).to be_success end it 'fails when input is not valid' do expect(schema.(email: '', age: 19, country: 'New Zealand')).to_not be_success expect(schema.(email: 'jane@doe', age: 17)).to_not be_success expect(schema.(email: 'jane@doe', age: '19')).to_not be_success end it 'correctly responds to messages' do expect(schema.({}).messages).to eq( age: ["is missing", "must be greater than 18"], country: ["is missing", "must be one of: Australia, Poland"], email: ["is missing", "must be String"], ) end it 'fails when sum-type rule did not pass' do result = schema.(email: 'jane@doe', age: 19, country: 'Australia', admin: 'foo') expect(result.messages).to eql( admin: ['must be FalseClass', 'must be TrueClass'] ) end context "structs" do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema do required(:person).filled(Person) end end class Name < Dry::Types::Value attribute :given_name, Dry::Types['strict.string'] attribute :family_name, Dry::Types['strict.string'] end class Person < Dry::Types::Value attribute :name, Name end it 'handles nested structs' do expect(schema.(person: { name: { given_name: 'Tim', family_name: 'Cooper' } })).to be_success end it 'fails when input is not valid' do expect(schema.(person: {name: {given_name: 'Tim'}}).messages).to eq( person: { name: { family_name: ["is missing"] } } ) end end context 'custom coercions' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Schema do configure { config.input_processor = :sanitizer } required(:email).filled(Dry::Types['strict.string'].constructor(&:strip)) end end it 'applies custom types to input prior validation' do result = schema.(email: ' ') expect(result).to be_success expect(result.to_h).to eql(email: '') end end context 'custom types' do subject(:schema) do Dry::Validation.Form do required(:quantity).filled(Dry::Types[''].constrained(gt: 1)) required(:percentage).filled(Dry::Types['strict.decimal'].constrained(gt: 0, lt: 1)) required(:switch).filled(Dry::Types['strict.bool']) end end it 'applies custom types to input prior validation' do result = schema.(quantity: '2', percentage: '0.5', switch: '0') expect(result).to be_success expect(result.to_h).to eql(quantity: 2, percentage: BigDecimal('0.5'), switch: false) end end end