require 'digest' require 'fileutils' require 'json' module Hanami module Assets # Bundle assets from a single application. # # @since 0.1.0 # @api private class Bundler # @since 0.1.0 # @api private DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS = 0644 # @since 0.1.0 # @api private JAVASCRIPT_EXT = '.js'.freeze # @since 0.1.0 # @api private STYLESHEET_EXT = '.css'.freeze # @since 0.1.0 # @api private WILDCARD_EXT = '.*'.freeze # @since 0.1.0 # @api private URL_SEPARATOR = '/'.freeze # @since 0.1.0 # @api private URL_REPLACEMENT = ''.freeze # Return a new instance # # @param configuration [Hanami::Assets::Configuration] a single application configuration # # @param duplicates [Array] the duplicated frameworks # (one for each application) # # @return [Hanami::Assets::Bundler] a new instance # # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def initialize(configuration, duplicates) @manifest = @configuration = configuration @configurations = if duplicates.empty? [@configuration] else end end # Start the process. # # For each asset contained in the sources and third party gems, it will: # # * Compress # * Create a checksum version # # At the end it will generate a digest manifest # # @see Hanami::Assets::Configuration#digest # @see Hanami::Assets::Configuration#manifest # @see Hanami::Assets::Configuration#manifest_path def run assets.each do |asset| next if compress(asset) checksum(asset) end generate_manifest end private # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def assets Dir.glob("#{ public_directory }#{ ::File::SEPARATOR }**#{ ::File::SEPARATOR }*") end # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def compress(asset) case File.extname(asset) when JAVASCRIPT_EXT then _compress(compressor(:js, asset), asset) when STYLESHEET_EXT then _compress(compressor(:css, asset), asset) end end # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def checksum(asset) digest = Digest::MD5.file(asset) filename, ext = ::File.basename(asset, WILDCARD_EXT), ::File.extname(asset) directory = ::File.dirname(asset) target = [directory, "#{ filename }-#{ digest }#{ ext }"].join(::File::SEPARATOR) FileUtils.cp(asset, target) _set_permissions(target) store_manifest(asset, target) end # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def generate_manifest _write(@configuration.manifest_path, JSON.dump(@manifest)) end # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def store_manifest(asset, target) @manifest[_convert_to_url(::File.expand_path(asset))] = _convert_to_url(::File.expand_path(target)) end # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def compressor(type, asset) _configuration_for(asset).__send__(:"#{ type }_compressor") end # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def _compress(compressor, asset) _write(asset, compressor.compress(asset)) rescue => e warn "Skipping compression of: `#{ asset }'\nReason: #{ e }\n\t#{ e.backtrace.join("\n\t") }\n\n" end # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def _convert_to_url(path) path.sub(public_directory.to_s, URL_REPLACEMENT). gsub(File::SEPARATOR, URL_SEPARATOR) end # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def _write(path, content) ::File.write(path, content) _set_permissions(path) end # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def _set_permissions(path) ::File.chmod(DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS, path) end def _configuration_for(asset) url = _convert_to_url(asset) @configurations.find {|config| url.start_with?(config.prefix) } || @configuration end # @since 0.1.0 # @api private def public_directory @configuration.public_directory end end end end