module Jei class Document # @return [String] VERSION = '1.0' # @return [DocumentNode] attr_reader :root # Builds a document from a resource. # # @param [Object] resource # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Hash] :fields restrict resource # attributes and relationships to a user-defined set of fields # @option options [String] :include a list of relationship paths # @option options [Boolean] :jsonapi add the top level JSON API object to # the document # @option options [Array] :links add links related to the primary # data # @option options [Hash] :meta add top level meta # information to the document # @option options [Class] :serializer override the default serializer # @return [Document] def, options = {}), options) end def initialize @root = end # @return [Hash] def to_h document = {} root.visit(document) document end # @return [String] def to_json to_h.to_json end end end