require 'spec_helper' module CharacterClassSpec class Foo < Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode end describe "a character class followed by a node class declaration and a block" do testing_expression "[A-Z] { def a_method; end }" it "matches single characters within that range, returning instances of the declared node class that respond to the method defined in the inline module" do result = parse('A') result.should be_an_instance_of(Foo) result.should respond_to(:a_method) result = parse('N') result.should be_an_instance_of(Foo) result.should respond_to(:a_method) result = parse('Z') result.should be_an_instance_of(Foo) result.should respond_to(:a_method) end it "does not match single characters outside of that range" do parse('8').should be_nil parse('a').should be_nil end it "matches a single character within that range at index 1" do parse(' A', :index => 1).should_not be_nil end it "fails to match a single character out of that range at index 1" do parse(' 1', :index => 1).should be_nil end end module ModFoo end describe "a character class followed by a node module declaration and a block" do testing_expression "[A-Z] { def a_method; end }" it "matches single characters within that range, returning instances of SyntaxNode extended by the specified module" do result = parse('A') result.should be_an_instance_of(Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode) result.should be_a_kind_of(ModFoo) result.should respond_to(:a_method) result = parse('N') result.should be_an_instance_of(Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode) result.should be_a_kind_of(ModFoo) result.should respond_to(:a_method) result = parse('Z') result.should be_an_instance_of(Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode) result.should be_a_kind_of(ModFoo) result.should respond_to(:a_method) end it "does not match single characters outside of that range" do parse('8').should be_nil parse('a').should be_nil end it "matches a single character within that range at index 1" do parse(' A', :index => 1).should_not be_nil end it "fails to match a single character out of that range at index 1" do parse(' 1', :index => 1).should be_nil end end describe "a character class with a POSIX bracket expression" do testing_expression "[[:digit:]]" it "matches a single character within the class" do parse('1').should_not be_nil end it "does not match a single character outside the class" do parse('a').should be_nil parse('-').should be_nil end testing_expression "[[:digit:][:space:]]+" it "matches a string with a mix of two character classes" do parse('1 4 9').should_not be_nil end end describe "a character class with a negated POSIX bracket expression" do testing_expression "[^[:space:]]" it "matches a character outside the negated class" do parse('a').should_not be_nil end it "doesn't match a character within the negated class" do parse(' ').should be_nil end end describe "a character class followed by a node class declaration and a block" do testing_expression "[A-Z] " it "actively generates nodes for the character when it is the primary node" do result = parse('A') result.should be_a(Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode) result.elements.should be_nil end end describe "A character class containing quotes" do testing_expression "[\"']" it "matches a quote" do parse("'").should_not be_nil end it "matches a double-quote" do parse('"').should_not be_nil end end describe "A character class containing a special character" do testing_expression "[\t]" it "matches that character only" do parse("\t").should_not be_nil parse('t').should be_nil end end describe "A character class containing an escaped backslash" do slash = "\\" # Make it explicit that there are *two* backslashes here testing_expression "[#{slash}#{slash}]" it "matches a backslash only" do parse("\\").should_not be_nil parse('t').should be_nil end end describe "A character class containing a hex escape" do slash = "\\" testing_expression "[#{slash}x41]" it "matches that character only" do parse('A').should_not be_nil parse('\\').should be_nil parse('x').should be_nil parse('4').should be_nil parse('1').should be_nil end end describe "A character class containing an octal escape" do slash = "\\" testing_expression "[#{slash}101]" it "matches that character only" do parse('A').should_not be_nil parse('\\').should be_nil parse('1').should be_nil parse('0').should be_nil end end describe "A character class containing a \\c control-char escape" do slash = "\\" testing_expression "[#{slash}cC]" it "matches that character only" do parse("\003").should_not be_nil parse('\\').should be_nil parse('c').should be_nil parse('C').should be_nil end end describe "A character class containing a \\C- control-char escape" do slash = "\\" testing_expression "[#{slash}C-C]" it "matches that character only" do parse("\003").should_not be_nil parse('\\').should be_nil parse('C').should be_nil parse('-').should be_nil end end if RUBY_VERSION =~ /\A1\.8\./ describe "A character class containing a \\M- meta-char escape" do slash = "\\" testing_expression "[#{slash}M- ]" it "matches that character only" do parse("\240").should_not be_nil parse('\\').should be_nil parse('M').should be_nil parse('-').should be_nil parse(' ').should be_nil end end end describe "A character class containing an escaped non-special character" do slash = "\\" testing_expression "[#{slash}y]" it "matches that character only" do parse("y").should_not be_nil parse('\\').should be_nil end end describe "A character class containing an \#{...} insertion" do testing_expression "[\#{raise 'error'}]" it "doesn't evaluate the insertion" do x = true lambda{ x = parse("y") }.should_not raise_error x.should be_nil parse('#').should_not be_nil parse("'").should_not be_nil parse("0").should be_nil end end describe "a character class" do testing_expression "[A-Z]" it "actively generates a node for the character because it is the primary node" do result = parse('A') result.should be_a(Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode) result.elements.should be_nil end end describe "a character class mixed with other expressions" do testing_expression '[A-Z] "a" "bc"' it "lazily instantiates a node for the character" do result = parse('Aabc') result.instance_variable_get("@elements").should include(true) result.elements.should_not include(true) result.elements.size.should == 3 end end describe "a character class with a node class declaration mixed with other expressions" do testing_expression '([A-Z] ) "ab"' it "actively generates a node for the character because it has a node class declared" do result = parse('Aab') result.instance_variable_get("@elements").should_not include(true) result.elements.should_not include(true) result.elements.size.should == 2 end end describe "a character class with a node module declaration mixed with other expressions" do testing_expression '([A-Z] ) "ab"' it "actively generates a node for the character because it has a node module declared" do result = parse('Aab') result.instance_variable_get("@elements").should_not include(true) result.elements.should_not include(true) result.elements.size.should == 2 end end describe "a character class with an inline block mixed with other expressions" do testing_expression '([A-Z] { def a_method; end }) "ab"' it "actively generates a node for the character because it has an inline block" do result = parse('Aab') result.instance_variable_get("@elements").should_not include(true) result.elements.should_not include(true) result.elements.size.should == 2 end end describe "a character class with a label mixed with other expressions" do testing_expression 'upper:([A-Z]) "b" "cd"' it "returns the correct element for the labeled expression" do result = parse('Abcd') result.upper.text_value.should == "A" result.elements.size.should == 3 end end describe "a character class repetition mixed with other expressions" do testing_expression '[A-Z]+ "a" "bc"' it "lazily instantiates a node for the character" do result = parse('ABCabc') result.elements[0].instance_variable_get("@elements").should include(true) result.elements[0].elements.should_not include(true) result.elements[0].elements.size.should == 3 result.elements.size.should == 3 result.elements.inspect.should == %Q{[SyntaxNode offset=0, "ABC":\n SyntaxNode offset=0, "A"\n SyntaxNode offset=1, "B"\n SyntaxNode offset=2, "C", SyntaxNode offset=3, "a", SyntaxNode offset=4, "bc"]} end end describe "a character class that gets cached because of a choice" do testing_expression "[A-Z] 'a' 'bc' / [A-Z]" it "generates a node for the lazily-instantiated character when it is the primary node" do result = parse('A') result.should be_a(Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode) result.elements.should be_nil end end end