#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' begin require 'jeweler' Jeweler::Tasks.new do |gemspec| gemspec.name = "errand" gemspec.summary = "Ruby language binding for RRD tool version 1.2+" gemspec.description = "Errand provides Ruby bindings for RRD functions (via librrd), and a concise DSL for interacting with RRDs." gemspec.email = "lindsay@holmwood.id.au" gemspec.homepage = "http://auxesis.github.com/errand" gemspec.authors = ["Lindsay Holmwood"] end rescue LoadError puts "Jeweler not available. Install it with: gem install jeweler" end begin require 'spec/rake/spectask' Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new do |t| t.spec_opts = ["--options", "spec/spec.opts"] end rescue LoadError puts "RSpec not available. Install it with: gem install rspec" end