<%@ CodeTemplate Language="C#" TargetLanguage="C#" Description="Assert Tester Wrapper" %> <%@ Property Name="ClassName" Type="System.String" Category="Options" Description="Prefix of the class name, Assert will be appended." %> <%@ Property Name="ClassNamespace" Type="System.String" Category="Options" Description="Namespace of the wrapped class" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Reflection" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections" %> <%@ Assembly Name="AssemblyHelper"%> <%@ Import Namespace="AssemblyHelper" %> // MbUnit project. // http://mbunit.tigris.org using System; using <%= ClassNamespace %>; namespace MbUnit.Core.Framework { /// /// Assertion helper for the class. /// /// /// /// This class contains static helper methods to verify assertions on the /// class. /// /// /// This class was automatically generated. Do not edit (or edit the template). /// /// public sealed class <%= FullClassName %> { #region Private constructor private <%= FullClassName %>() {} #endregion <% foreach(PropertyInfo pi in this.ClassType.GetProperties()) { if (pi.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) {%> /// /// Verifies that the property value /// is true. /// /// /// Instance containing the expected value. /// public static void <%= IsPropertyName(pi) %>( <%= ClassName%> actual ) { <% CheckNonNull("actual");%> Assert.IsTrue(actual.<%= pi.Name %>, "Property <%= pi.Name %> is false"); } /// /// Verifies that the property value /// is false. /// /// /// Instance containing the expected value. /// public static void <%= IsNotPropertyName(pi) %>( <%= ClassName%> actual ) { <% CheckNonNull("actual");%> Assert.IsFalse(actual.<%= pi.Name %>, "Property <%= pi.Name %> is true"); } <%} %> /// /// Verifies that the property value /// of and are equal. /// /// /// Instance containing the expected value. /// /// /// Instance containing the tested value. /// public static void <%= ArePropertyEqualName(pi) %>( <%= ClassName%> expected, <%= ClassName%> actual ) { <% CheckBothNull("expected","actual"); %> <% CheckNonNull("expected");%> <% CheckNonNull("actual");%> <%= ArePropertyEqualName(pi)%>(expected.<%= pi.Name %>,actual); } /// /// Verifies that the property value /// of is equal to . /// /// /// Expected value. /// /// /// Instance containing the tested value. /// public static void <%= ArePropertyEqualName(pi) %>( <%= pi.PropertyType %> expected, <%= ClassName%> actual ) { <% if (!pi.PropertyType.IsValueType) CheckBothNull("expected","actual"); %> <% CheckNonNull("actual");%> Assert.AreEqual(expected,actual.<%= pi.Name %>, "Property <%= pi.Name %> not equal"); } <%}%> } }