#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

Verifies simple actions when using an explicit build target of 'all'.

import glob
import os
import TestGyp

test = TestGyp.TestGyp(workdir='workarea_all')

test.run_gyp('actions.gyp', chdir='src')

test.relocate('src', 'relocate/src')

# Some gyp files use an action that mentions an output but never
# writes it as a means to making the action run on every build.  That
# doesn't mesh well with ninja's semantics.  TODO(evan): figure out
# how to work always-run actions in to ninja.
if test.format == 'ninja':
  test.build('actions.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src')
  # Test that an "always run" action increases a counter on multiple
  # invocations, and that a dependent action updates in step.
  test.build('actions.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src')
  test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter.txt', '1')
  test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter_2.txt', '1')
  test.build('actions.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src')
  test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter.txt', '2')
  test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter_2.txt', '2')

  # The "always run" action only counts to 2, but the dependent target
  # will count forever if it's allowed to run. This verifies that the
  # dependent target only runs when the "always run" action generates
  # new output, not just because the "always run" ran.
  test.build('actions.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src')
  test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter.txt', '2')
  test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter_2.txt', '2')

expect = """\
Hello from program.c
Hello from make-prog1.py
Hello from make-prog2.py

if test.format == 'xcode':
  chdir = 'relocate/src/subdir1'
  chdir = 'relocate/src'
test.run_built_executable('program', chdir=chdir, stdout=expect)

test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir2/file.out', "Hello from make-file.py\n")

expect = "Hello from generate_main.py\n"

if test.format == 'xcode':
  chdir = 'relocate/src/subdir3'
  chdir = 'relocate/src'
test.run_built_executable('null_input', chdir=chdir, stdout=expect)

# Clean out files which may have been created if test.ALL was run.
def clean_dep_files():
  for file in (glob.glob('relocate/src/dep_*.txt') +
    if os.path.exists(file):

# Confirm our clean.

# Make sure all deps finish before an action is run on a 'None' target.
# If using the Make builder, add -j to make things more difficult.
arguments = []
if test.format == 'make':
  arguments = ['-j']
test.build('actions.gyp', 'action_with_dependencies_123', chdir='relocate/src',

# Try again with a target that has deps in reverse.  Output files from
# previous tests deleted.  Confirm this execution did NOT run the ALL
# target which would mess up our dep tests.
test.build('actions.gyp', 'action_with_dependencies_321', chdir='relocate/src',
