Class Pileup
In: lib/bio/db/sam/pileup.rb
Parent: Object


A class representing information in SAMTools pileup format

Author:Dan MacLean (

Pileup is described at Briefly (when you invoke pileup with the -c option):

  • 1 reference sequence name
  • 2 reference coordinate
  • (3) reference base, or `*’ for an indel line
  • (4) genotype where heterozygotes are encoded in the IUB code: M=A/C, R=A/G, W=A/T, S=C/G, Y=C/T and K=G/T; indels are indicated by, for example, */+A, -A/* or +CC/-C. There is no difference between */+A or +A/*.
  • (5) Phred-scaled likelihood that the genotype is wrong, which is also called `consensus quality’.
  • (6) Phred-scaled likelihood that the genotype is identical to the reference, which is also called `SNP quality’. Suppose the reference base is A and in alignment we see 17 G and 3 A. We will get a low consensus quality because it is difficult to distinguish an A/G heterozygote from a G/G homozygote. We will get a high SNP quality, though, because the evidence of a SNP is very strong.
  • (7) root mean square (RMS) mapping quality
  • 8 # reads covering the position
  • 9 read bases at a SNP line (check the manual page for more information); the 1st indel allele otherwise
  • 10 base quality at a SNP line; the 2nd indel allele otherwise
  • (11) indel line only: # reads directly supporting the 1st indel allele
  • (12) indel line only: # reads directly supporting the 2nd indel allele
  • (13) indel line only: # reads supporting a third indel allele

If pileup is invoked without `-c’, indel lines and columns between 3 and 7 inclusive will not be outputted.

NB mpileup uses the 6 column output format eg "seq2\t151\tG\tG\t36\t0\t99\t12\t...........A\t:9<;;7=<<<<<" Pileup provides accessors for all columns (6 or 10 column format) and a few other useful methods



ar1  [RW] 
ar2  [RW] 
ar3  [RW] 
consensus  [RW] 
consensus_quality  [RW] 
coverage  [RW] 
pos  [RW] 
read_bases  [RW] 
read_quals  [RW] 
ref_base  [RW] 
ref_name  [RW] 
rms_mapq  [RW] 
snp_quality  [RW] 

Public Class methods

creates the Pileup object

    pile_up_line = "seq2\t151\tG\tG\t36\t0\t99\t12\t...........A\t:9<;;7=<<<<<"
    pile =

Public Instance methods

returns the consensus (most frequent) base from the pileup, if there are equally represented bases returns a string containing all equally represented bases in alphabetical order

returns the total non-reference bases in the reads at this position

Calculate the total count of each non-reference nucleotide and return a hash of all 4 nt counts, returns a hash

   pile.non_refs #{:A => 1, :C => 0, :T => 0, :G => 0}

returns the count of reference-bases in the reads at this position
