--- en: good_job: actions: destroy: Destroy discard: Discard force_discard: Force discard inspect: Inspect reschedule: Reschedule retry: Retry batches: actions: confirm_retry: Are you sure you want to retry this batch? retry: Retry index: older_batches: Older batches title: Batches jobs: actions: confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to destroy this job? confirm_discard: Are you sure you want to discard this job? confirm_reschedule: Are you sure you want to reschedule this job? confirm_retry: Are you sure you want to retry this job? destroy: Destroy Job discard: Discard Job reschedule: Reschedule Job retry: Retry Job title: Actions no_jobs_found: No jobs found. retry: notice: Batch has been retried show: attributes: Attributes batched_jobs: Batched Jobs callback_jobs: Callback Jobs table: no_batches_found: No batches found. cron_entries: actions: confirm_disable: Are you sure you want to disable this cron entry? confirm_enable: Are you sure you want to enable this cron entry? confirm_enqueue: Are you sure you want to enqueue this cron entry? disable: Disable cron entry enable: Enable cron entry enqueue: Enqueue cron entry now disable: notice: Cron entry has been disabled. enable: notice: Cron entry has been enabled. enqueue: notice: Cron entry has been enqueued. index: no_cron_schedules_found: No cron schedules found. title: Cron Schedules show: cron_entry_key: Cron Entry Key datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: one: about 1 hour other: about %{count} hours about_x_months: one: about 1 month other: about %{count} months about_x_years: one: about 1 year other: about %{count} years almost_x_years: one: almost 1 year other: almost %{count} years half_a_minute: half a minute less_than_x_minutes: one: less than a minute other: less than %{count} minutes less_than_x_seconds: one: less than 1 second other: less than %{count} seconds over_x_years: one: over 1 year other: over %{count} years x_days: one: 1 day other: "%{count} days" x_minutes: one: 1 minute other: "%{count} minutes" x_months: one: 1 month other: "%{count} months" x_seconds: one: 1 second other: "%{count} seconds" x_years: one: 1 year other: "%{count} years" duration: hours: "%{hour}h %{min}m" less_than_10_seconds: "%{sec}s" milliseconds: "%{ms}ms" minutes: "%{min}m %{sec}s" seconds: "%{sec}s" error_event: discarded: Discarded handled: Handled interrupted: Interrupted retried: Retried retry_stopped: Retry stopped unhandled: Unhandled helpers: relative_time: future: in %{time} past: "%{time} ago" jobs: actions: confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to destroy the job? confirm_discard: Are you usure you want to discard the job? confirm_force_discard: Are you sure you want to force discard this job? The job will be marked as discarded but the running job will not be stopped - it will, however, not be retried on failures. confirm_reschedule: Are you sure you want to reschedule the job? confirm_retry: Are you sure you want to retry the job? destroy: Destroy job discard: Discard job force_discard: Force discard job reschedule: Reschedule job retry: Retry job destroy: notice: Job has been destroyed discard: notice: Job has been discarded executions: application_trace: Application Trace full_trace: Full Trace in_queue: in queue runtime: runtime title: Executions force_discard: notice: Job has been force discarded. It will continue to run but it will not be retried on failures index: job_pagination: Job pagination older_jobs: Older jobs reschedule: notice: Job has been rescheduled retry: notice: Job has been retried show: jobs: Jobs table: actions: apply_to_all: one: Apply to all 1 job. other: Apply to all %{count} jobs. confirm_destroy_all: Are you sure you want to destroy the selected jobs? confirm_discard_all: Are you usure you want to discard the selected jobs? confirm_reschedule_all: Are you sure you want to reschedule the selected jobs? confirm_retry_all: Are you sure you want to retry the selected jobs? destroy_all: Destroy all discard_all: Discard all reschedule_all: Reschedule all retry_all: Retry all title: Actions no_jobs_found: No jobs found. toggle_actions: Toggle Actions toggle_all_jobs: Toggle all jobs models: batch: created: Created created_at: Created at discarded: Discarded discarded_at: Discarded at enqueued: Enqueued enqueued_at: Enqueued at finished: Finished finished_at: Finished at jobs: Jobs name: Name cron: class: Class last_run: Last run next_scheduled: Next scheduled schedule: Schedule job: arguments: Arguments attempts: Attempts priority: Priority queue: Queue number: format: delimiter: "," separator: "." human: decimal_units: delimiter: "," format: "%n%u" precision: 3 separator: "." units: billion: B million: M quadrillion: Q thousand: K trillion: T unit: '' performance: index: average_duration: Average duration chart_title: Total job execution time in seconds executions: Executions job_class: Job class maximum_duration: Maximum duration minimum_duration: Minimum duration title: Performance show: slow: Slow title: Performance processes: index: cron_enabled: Cron enabled no_good_job_processes_found: No GoodJob processes found. process: Process schedulers: Schedulers started: Started title: Processes updated: Updated shared: boolean: 'false': 'No' 'true': 'Yes' error: Error filter: all: All all_jobs: All jobs all_queues: All queues clear: Clear job_name: Job name placeholder: Search by class, job id, job params, and error text. queue_name: Queue name search: Search navbar: batches: Batches cron_schedules: Cron jobs: Jobs live_poll: Live Poll name: "GoodJob 👍" performance: Performance processes: Processes theme: auto: Auto dark: Dark light: Light theme: Theme pending_migrations: GoodJob has pending database migrations. secondary_navbar: inspiration: Remember, you're doing a Good Job too! last_updated: Last updated status: discarded: Discarded queued: Queued retried: Retried running: Running scheduled: Scheduled succeeded: Succeeded