# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'securerandom' describe Ably::Rest::Channel, 'messages' do include Ably::Modules::Conversions vary_by_protocol do let(:default_client_options) { { key: api_key, environment: environment, protocol: protocol } } let(:client_options) { default_client_options } let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options) } let(:other_client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options) } let(:channel) { client.channel(random_str) } context 'publishing with an ASCII_8BIT message name' do let(:message_name) { random_str.encode(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) } it 'is converted into UTF_8' do channel.publish message_name, 'example' message = channel.history.items.first expect(message.name.encoding).to eql(Encoding::UTF_8) expect(message.name.encode(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)).to eql(message_name) end end context 'with supported data payload content type' do context 'JSON Object (Hash)' do let(:data) { { 'Hash' => 'true' } } it 'is encoded and decoded to the same hash' do channel.publish 'event', data expect(channel.history.items.first.data).to eql(data) end end context 'JSON Array' do let(:data) { [ nil, true, false, 55, 'string', { 'Hash' => true }, ['array'] ] } it 'is encoded and decoded to the same Array' do channel.publish 'event', data expect(channel.history.items.first.data).to eql(data) end end context 'String' do let(:data) { random_str } it 'is encoded and decoded to the same Array' do channel.publish 'event', data expect(channel.history.items.first.data).to eql(data) end end context 'Binary' do let(:data) { Base64.encode64(random_str) } it 'is encoded and decoded to the same Array' do channel.publish 'event', data expect(channel.history.items.first.data).to eql(data) end end end context 'with supported extra payload content type (#RSL1h, #RSL6a2)' do context 'JSON Object (Hash)' do let(:data) { { 'push' => { 'title' => 'Testing' } } } it 'is encoded and decoded to the same hash' do channel.publish 'event', {}, extras: data expect(channel.history.items.first.extras).to eql(data) end end context 'JSON Array' do let(:data) { { 'push' => [ nil, true, false, 55, 'string', { 'Hash' => true }, ['array'] ] } } it 'is encoded and decoded to the same Array' do channel.publish 'event', {}, extras: data expect(channel.history.items.first.extras).to eql(data) end end context 'nil' do it 'is encoded and decoded to the same Array' do channel.publish 'event', {}, extras: nil expect(channel.history.items.first.extras).to be_nil end end end context 'with unsupported data payload content type' do context 'Integer' do let(:data) { 1 } it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40011 exception' do expect { channel.publish 'event', data }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::UnsupportedDataType) end end context 'Float' do let(:data) { 1.1 } it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40011 exception' do expect { channel.publish 'event', data }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::UnsupportedDataType) end end context 'Boolean' do let(:data) { true } it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40011 exception' do expect { channel.publish 'event', data }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::UnsupportedDataType) end end context 'False' do let(:data) { false } it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40011 exception' do expect { channel.publish 'event', data }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::UnsupportedDataType) end end end describe 'encryption and encoding' do let(:channel_name) { "persisted:#{random_str}" } let(:encrypted_channel) { client.channel(channel_name, cipher: cipher_options) } let(:cipher_options) { { key: Ably::Util::Crypto.generate_random_key } } context 'with #publish and #history' do shared_examples 'an Ably encrypter and decrypter' do |item, data| let(:algorithm) { data['algorithm'].upcase } let(:mode) { data['mode'].upcase } let(:key_length) { data['keylength'] } let(:secret_key) { Base64.decode64(data['key']) } let(:iv) { Base64.decode64(data['iv']) } let(:cipher_options) { { key: secret_key, fixed_iv: iv, algorithm: algorithm, mode: mode, key_length: key_length } } let(:encoded) { item['encoded'] } let(:encoded_data) { encoded['data'] } let(:encoded_encoding) { encoded['encoding'] } let(:encoded_data_decoded) do if encoded_encoding == 'json' JSON.parse(encoded_data) elsif encoded_encoding == 'base64' Base64.decode64(encoded_data) else encoded_data end end let(:encrypted) { item['encrypted'] } let(:encrypted_data) { encrypted['data'] } let(:encrypted_encoding) { encrypted['encoding'] } let(:encrypted_data_decoded) do if encrypted_encoding.match(%r{/base64$}) Base64.decode64(encrypted_data) else encrypted_data end end it 'encrypts message automatically when published (#RTL7d)' do expect(client).to receive(:post) do |path, message| if protocol == :json expect(message['encoding']).to eql(encrypted_encoding) expect(Base64.decode64(message['data'])).to eql(encrypted_data_decoded) else # Messages sent over binary protocol will not have Base64 encoded data expect(message['encoding']).to eql(encrypted_encoding.gsub(%r{/base64$}, '')) expect(message['data']).to eql(encrypted_data_decoded) end end.and_return(double('Response', status: 201)) encrypted_channel.publish 'example', encoded_data_decoded end it 'sends and retrieves messages that are encrypted & decrypted by the Ably library (#RTL7d)' do encrypted_channel.publish 'example', encoded_data_decoded message = encrypted_channel.history.items.first expect(message.data).to eql(encoded_data_decoded) expect(message.encoding).to be_nil end end resources_root = File.expand_path('../../../../lib/submodules/ably-common/test-resources', __FILE__) def self.add_tests_for_data(data) data['items'].each_with_index do |item, index| context "item #{index} with encrypted encoding #{item['encrypted']['encoding']}" do it_behaves_like 'an Ably encrypter and decrypter', item, data end end end context 'with AES-128-CBC using crypto-data-128.json fixtures (#RTL7d)' do data = JSON.parse(File.read(File.join(resources_root, 'crypto-data-128.json'))) add_tests_for_data data end context 'with AES-256-CBC using crypto-data-256.json fixtures (#RTL7d)' do data = JSON.parse(File.read(File.join(resources_root, 'crypto-data-256.json'))) add_tests_for_data data end context 'when publishing lots of messages' do let(:data) { MessagePack.pack({ 'key' => random_str }) } let(:message_count) { 20 } it 'encrypts on #publish and decrypts on #history' do message_count.times do |index| encrypted_channel.publish index.to_s, "#{index}-#{data}" end messages = encrypted_channel.history.items expect(messages.count).to eql(message_count) messages.each do |message| expect(message.data).to eql("#{message.name}-#{data}") expect(message.encoding).to be_nil end end end context 'when retrieving #history with a different protocol' do let(:other_protocol) { protocol == :msgpack ? :json : :msgpack } let(:other_client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_client_options.merge(protocol: other_protocol)) } let(:other_client_channel) { other_client.channel(channel_name, cipher: cipher_options) } before do expect(other_client.protocol_binary?).to_not eql(client.protocol_binary?) end [MessagePack.pack({ 'key' => SecureRandom.hex }), 'ã unicode', { 'key' => SecureRandom.hex }].each do |payload| payload_description = "#{payload.class}#{" #{payload.encoding}" if payload.kind_of?(String)}" specify "delivers a #{payload_description} payload to the receiver" do encrypted_channel.publish 'example', payload message = other_client_channel.history.items.first expect(message.data).to eql(payload) expect(message.encoding).to be_nil end end end context 'when publishing on an unencrypted channel and retrieving with #history on an encrypted channel' do let(:unencrypted_channel) { client.channel(channel_name) } let(:other_client_encrypted_channel) { other_client.channel(channel_name, cipher: cipher_options) } let(:payload) { MessagePack.pack({ 'key' => random_str }) } it 'does not attempt to decrypt the message' do unencrypted_channel.publish 'example', payload message = other_client_encrypted_channel.history.items.first expect(message.data).to eql(payload) expect(message.encoding).to be_nil end end context 'when publishing on an encrypted channel and retrieving with #history on an unencrypted channel' do let(:client_options) { default_client_options.merge(log_level: :fatal) } let(:cipher_options) { { key: Ably::Util::Crypto.generate_random_key(256), algorithm: 'aes', mode: 'cbc', key_length: 256 } } let(:encrypted_channel) { client.channel(channel_name, cipher: cipher_options) } let(:other_client_unencrypted_channel) { other_client.channel(channel_name) } let(:payload) { MessagePack.pack({ 'key' => random_str }) } before do encrypted_channel.publish 'example', payload end it 'retrieves the message that remains encrypted with an encrypted encoding attribute (#RTL7e)' do message = other_client_unencrypted_channel.history.items.first expect(message.data).to_not eql(payload) expect(message.encoding).to match(/^cipher\+aes-256-cbc/) end it 'logs a Cipher exception (#RTL7e)' do expect(other_client.logger).to receive(:error) do |*args, &block| expect(args.concat([block ? block.call : nil]).join(',')).to match(/Message cannot be decrypted/) end other_client_unencrypted_channel.history end end context 'publishing on an encrypted channel and retrieving #history with a different algorithm on another client (#RTL7e)' do let(:client_options) { default_client_options.merge(log_level: :fatal) } let(:cipher_options_client1) { { key: Ably::Util::Crypto.generate_random_key(256), algorithm: 'aes', mode: 'cbc', key_length: 256 } } let(:encrypted_channel_client1) { client.channel(channel_name, cipher: cipher_options_client1) } let(:cipher_options_client2) { { key: Ably::Util::Crypto.generate_random_key(128), algorithm: 'aes', mode: 'cbc', key_length: 128 } } let(:encrypted_channel_client2) { other_client.channel(channel_name, cipher: cipher_options_client2) } let(:payload) { MessagePack.pack({ 'key' => random_str }) } before do encrypted_channel_client1.publish 'example', payload end it 'retrieves the message that remains encrypted with an encrypted encoding attribute (#RTL7e)' do message = encrypted_channel_client2.history.items.first expect(message.data).to_not eql(payload) expect(message.encoding).to match(/^cipher\+aes-256-cbc/) end it 'logs a Cipher exception (#RTL7e)' do expect(other_client.logger).to receive(:error) do |*args, &block| expect(args.concat([block ? block.call : nil]).join(',')).to match(/Cipher algorithm [\w-]+ does not match/) end encrypted_channel_client2.history end end context 'publishing on an encrypted channel and subscribing with a different key on another client' do let(:client_options) { default_client_options.merge(log_level: :fatal) } let(:cipher_options_client1) { { key: Ably::Util::Crypto.generate_random_key(256), algorithm: 'aes', mode: 'cbc', key_length: 256 } } let(:encrypted_channel_client1) { client.channel(channel_name, cipher: cipher_options_client1) } let(:cipher_options_client2) { { key: Ably::Util::Crypto.generate_random_key(256), algorithm: 'aes', mode: 'cbc', key_length: 256 } } let(:encrypted_channel_client2) { other_client.channel(channel_name, cipher: cipher_options_client2) } let(:payload) { MessagePack.pack({ 'key' => random_str }) } before do encrypted_channel_client1.publish 'example', payload end it 'retrieves the message that remains encrypted with an encrypted encoding attribute' do message = encrypted_channel_client2.history.items.first expect(message.data).to_not eql(payload) expect(message.encoding).to match(/^cipher\+aes-256-cbc/) end it 'logs a Cipher exception' do expect(other_client.logger).to receive(:error) do |*args, &block| expect(args.concat([block ? block.call : nil]).join(',')).to match(/CipherError decrypting data/) end encrypted_channel_client2.history end end end end end end