# Copyright (c) 2008 Michael Fellinger m.fellinger@gmail.com # All files in this distribution are subject to the terms of the Ruby license. require 'ostruct' require 'set' require 'ramaze/global/dsl' module Ramaze GlobalDSL.option_dsl do o "Set the adapter Ramaze will run on.", :adapter => :webrick, :cli => [:webrick, :mongrel, :thin] o "All running threads of Adapter will be collected here.", :adapters => Set.new o "Set the size of Backtrace shown.", :backtrace_size => 10, :cli => 10 o "Turn benchmarking every request on.", :benchmarking => false, :cli => false, :short => :b o "Do not log about these requests to static files, values as in Global.ignore", # Example: [/\.(ico|gif|jpg|png)$/, '/robots.txt'] :boring => [ '/favicon.ico' ] o "Use this for general caching and as base for Cache.new.", :cache => :memory, :cli => [:memory, :memcached, :yaml] o "Alternative caches", :cache_alternative => {} o "Turn on naive caching of all requests.", :cache_all => false, :cli => false o "Compile Templates", :compile => false, :cli => false o "Active contribs ", :contribs => Set.new o "All subclasses of Controller are collected here.", :controllers => Set.new o "Start Ramaze within an IRB session", :console => false, :cli => false, :short => :c o "Turn on customized error pages.", :error_page => true, :cli => true o "Caching actions to the filesystem in Global.public_root", :file_cache => false, :cli => false o "Specify what IP Ramaze will respond to - for all", :host => "", :cli => '' o "Ignore requests to these paths if no file in public_root exists, absolute path or regex", # Example: [/\.(ico|gif|jpg|png)$/, '/robots.txt'] :ignore => [ '/favicon.ico' ] o "Body set on ignored paths", :ignore_body => "File not found" o "Status set on ignored paths", :ignore_status => 404 o "Templating engines to load on startup", :load_engines => [] o "All paths to controllers are mapped here.", :mapping => {} o "The place ramaze was started from, useful mostly for debugging", :origin => :main o "Specify port", :port => 7000, :cli => 7000, :short => :p o "Specify directory to serve static files", :public_root => 'public', :cli => 'public' o "Record all Request objects by assigning a filtering Proc to me.", :record => false o "Don't wait until all adapter-threads are finished or killed.", :run_loose => false, :cli => false o "Turn on session for all requests.", :sessions => true, :cli => true o "Turn on BF/DoS protection for error-responses", :shield => false, :cli => false o "What signal to trap to call Ramaze::shutdown", :shutdown_trap => "SIGINT" o "Interval in seconds of the background SourceReload", :sourcereload => 3, :cli => 3 o "How many adapters Ramaze should spawn.", :spawn => 1, :cli => 1, :short => :s o "Test before start if adapters will be able to connect", :test_connections => true, :cli => true o "Specify directory to serve dynamic files", :template_root => 'view', :cli => 'view' o "Enable directory listing", :list_directories => false, :cli => false end require 'ramaze/global/globalstruct' Global = GlobalStruct.setup(OPTIONS) unless defined?(Global) end