# frozen_string_literal: true require 'pathname' require 'open3' require 'yaml' # Interaction with the operating system module SystemModule # Check if a command is available else log error message # @return [Boolean] is the command available? def command_available_else_error?(command) unless _command_available? command log.error "The command \"#{command}\" is not available" return false end command_available command end # Convert hash to yaml. # @return [String] yaml of hash def hash_to_yaml(hash) return nil.to_yaml if hash == {} hash.to_yaml({ line_width: -1 }) end # Read yaml file. # @return [Hash] content of yaml file def read_yaml_file(file) log.debug "Reading YAML file \"#{file}\"" return nil unless _file_exists? file return nil unless _file_read file return nil unless _parse_yaml_file file, @content_file @content end # Read yaml file with erb templates. # @return [Hash] content of yaml file def read_yaml_erb_file(file) log.debug "Reading YAML ERB file \"#{file}\"" return nil unless _file_exists? file return nil unless _file_read file return nil unless _parse_erb_file file, @content_file return nil unless _parse_yaml_file file, @content_yaml @content end # Write content to file def write_file(file, content) log.debug "Writing content to file \"#{file}\":" log.debug "\"#{content}\"" File.write(file, content) end # Remove directory tree. def rm_fr(directory) unless File.directory? directory log.error "Cannot remove non-existing directory \"#{directory}\"" return end log.debug "Removing directory \"#{directory}\" recursively" Pathname.new(directory).rmtree end # Run a command and return the standard output. # @return [String] stdout of command def run(command) Dir.chdir(config.active['project_root_dir']) do log.debug "Running command \"#{command}\"" stdout_str, stderr_str, status = Open3.capture3 command log.debug "Command \"#{command}\" has stdout:\n\"\"\"\n#{stdout_str}\"\"\"" log.debug "Command \"#{command}\" has stderr:\n\"\"\"\n#{stderr_str}\"\"\"" log.debug "Command \"#{command}\" has exit status: \"#{status.exitstatus}\"" stdout_str end end # Run a command and return the standard output # the standard error and the exit status # @return [[String, String, Integer]] array of # stdout, stderr, exitstatus of command def run_and_capture(command) Dir.chdir(config.active['project_root_dir']) do log.debug "Running and capturing command \"#{command}\"" stdout_str, stderr_str, status = Open3.capture3 command log.debug "Command \"#{command}\" has stdout:\n\"\"\"\n#{stdout_str}\"\"\"" log.debug "Command \"#{command}\" has stderr:\n\"\"\"\n#{stderr_str}\"\"\"" log.debug "Command \"#{command}\" has exit status: \"#{status.exitstatus}\"" [stdout_str, stderr_str, status.exitstatus] end end # Use Kernel#exec to replace the ruby process with a command. def run_and_exit(command) Dir.chdir(config.active['project_root_dir']) do log.debug "Running command \"#{command}\" and exiting afterwards" exec command end end # Use Kernel#fork and Kernel#exec to run a command as a background process. def run_and_fork(command) log.debug "Running command \"#{command}\" as a background process" job = fork do Dir.chdir(config.active['project_root_dir']) do exec command end end Process.detach(job) end # Run a command and return the result. # @return [Boolean] success of command run def try(command) Dir.chdir(config.active['project_root_dir']) do log.debug "Running command \"#{command}\"" stdout_str, stderr_str, status = Open3.capture3 command log.debug "Command \"#{command}\" has stdout:\n\"\"\"\n#{stdout_str}\"\"\"" log.debug "Command \"#{command}\" has stderr:\n\"\"\"\n#{stderr_str}\"\"\"" log.debug "Command \"#{command}\" has exit status: \"#{status.exitstatus}\"" status end end private # Check if command is available def _command_available?(command) return true if _command_already_checked command log.debug "Check if the command \"#{command}\" is available" begin Dir.chdir(config.active['project_root_dir']) do status = try command return false unless status.exitstatus.zero? end rescue Errno::ENOENT => e log.debug 'The command failed with an error.' log.debug "Class of error: #{e.class}" log.debug "Error message: #{e.message}" return false end true end # Check if command has already been checked def _command_already_checked(command) digest = Digest::SHA256.bubblebabble command command_hash = digest[0..4] return true if instance_variable_get("@command_available_#{command_hash}") false end # Command is available def command_available(command) log.debug "The command \"#{command}\" is available" digest = Digest::SHA256.bubblebabble command command_hash = digest[0..4] instance_variable_set("@command_available_#{command_hash}", true) end # Check if file exists. def _file_exists?(file) unless File.exist? File.expand_path(file) log.debug "File \"#{file}\" doesn't exist" return false end true end # Read file. def _file_read(file) begin @content_file = File.read File.expand_path(file) rescue SystemCallError log.debug "Unable to read file \"#{file}\"" return false end true end # Parse erb file. def _parse_erb_file(file, content_erb) begin @content_yaml = ERB.new(content_erb).result rescue StandardError => e log.debug e.class log.debug "Invalid ERB in YAML file \"#{file}\". " \ "#{e.class}: \"#{e.message}\"" return false end true end # Parse yaml file. def _parse_yaml_file(file, content_yaml) begin @content = YAML.safe_load content_yaml rescue Psych::SyntaxError log.debug "Invalid YAML file \"#{file}\"" log.debug "Try: yamllint #{file}" return false end true end # Get yaml. def _parse_yaml(content_yaml) begin content = YAML.safe_load content_yaml rescue Psych::SyntaxError log.debug 'Invalid YAML' return false end content end # Pluralize a verb in relation to a number def pluralize(number, singular, plural) return singular if number == 1 plural end end