module Titi::Provider module Twitter # # # { # "id" => 1554031, # "screen_name" => "mrflip", # "protected" => false, # "followers_count" => 1060, # "friends_count" => 754, # "statuses_count" => 1744, # "favourites_count" => 98, # "created_at" => "Mon Mar 19 21:08:24 +0000 2007", # # # "name" => "Philip Flip Kromer", # "url" => "", # "location" => "iPhone: 30.316122,-97.733817", # "description" => "Founder, - Building tools to Organize, Explore and Comprehend massive data sources", # "time_zone" => "Central Time (US & Canada)", # "utc_offset" => -21600, # "lang" => "en", # # # "profile_background_color" => "BCC0C8", # "profile_text_color" => "000000", # "profile_link_color" => "0000ff", # "profile_sidebar_border_color" => "f0edd8", # "profile_sidebar_fill_color" => "ffffff", # "profile_background_tile" => false, # "profile_background_image_url" => "", # "profile_image_url" => "", # # # "geo_enabled" => true, # "contributors_enabled" => false, # "following" => nil, # "notifications" => nil, # "verified" => false, # # # "status" => # # } # User = :id, :screen_name, :protected, :followers_count, :friends_count, :statuses_count, :favourites_count, :created_at, :name, :url, :location, :description, :time_zone, :utc_offset, :profile_background_color, :profile_text_color, :profile_link_color, :profile_sidebar_border_color, :profile_sidebar_fill_color, :profile_background_tile, :profile_background_image_url, :profile_image_url ) User.class_eval do include Titi::Provider include Titi::Adaptor # def status= new_status # new_status = Twitter::Status.from_hash(new_status) unless new_status.is_a?(Twitter::Status) # self[:status] = new_status # end def created_at= date_time unless date_time.is_a?(DateTime) dt = DateTime.parse(date_time) rescue nil end self[:created_at] = dt end end # { # "id" => 12327261220, # "created_at" => "Sat Apr 17 05:47:28 +0000 2010", # "user" => # # "text" => "Hacking Activity Streams yay", # "favorited" => false, # "truncated" => false, # "in_reply_to_user_id" => nil, # "in_reply_to_status_id" => nil # "in_reply_to_screen_name" => nil, # "source" => "Tweetie", # } Status = :id, :created_at, :user, :favorited, :truncated, :in_reply_to_user_id, :in_reply_to_status_id, :text, :source, :in_reply_to_screen_name ) Status.class_eval do include Titi::Provider include Titi::Adaptor # virtual setter for user: If argument is not a Twitter::User, adapt it to # be a user (assuming it is a hash or a hash_like. def user= new_user # return unless new_user new_user = Twitter::User.adapt(new_user.to_hash) unless new_user.is_a?(Twitter::User) self[:user] = new_user end # Call the twitter API and fetch tweet with given ID # # @example # tweet = Status.get(12233609555) # tweet.text # #=> "THANK GOODNESS THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS HAS UNDERSTOOD THE IMPORTANCE OF MY TWEETS what do you mean others are getting in too" # def self.get status_id raw_json_str = RestClient.get "{status_id}.json" raw_status = JSON.load(raw_json_str.to_s) adapt(raw_status) end end end end