module Songkickr module RemoteApi module UpcomingEvents # ==== Artist calendar (Upcoming) # Returns an array of Events. # # ex. remote.artist_events('mbid:5bac9b4f-2f1c-4d39-8d11-231d5b6650ce', :page => 1, :per_page => 5, :order => 'desc') # # # # === Parameters # * +artist_id_or_music_brainz_id+ - Songkick unique ID for artist. Use artist_search to find an artist ID. Or a id string. ex. mbid:5bac9b4f-2f1c-4d39-8d11-231d5b6650ce # * +query+ - A hash of query parameters, see below for options. # # ==== Query Parameters # * +page+ - Page number # * +per_page+ - Number of results per page, max 50. # * +order+ - Results are sorted by date. The order can be specified with: order ('asc' or 'desc', 'asc' by default). def artist_events(artist_id_or_music_brainz_id, query = {}) if artist_id_or_music_brainz_id.to_s.match /^mbid\:\d+$/ url = "/artists/mbid:#{artist_id_or_music_brainz_id}/calendar.json" else url = "/artists/#{artist_id_or_music_brainz_id}/calendar.json" end result = get(url, :query => query) result end # ==== Artist Search API # Returns Artist objects. # # # # === Parameters # * +query+ - Search for artists by name using full text search. Results from Songkick are returned by relevancy. # # ==== Query Parameters # * +artist_name+ - Name of an artist. Ex. 'Lady Gaga', 'Slayer', 'Atmosphere' # * +page+ - Page number # * +per_page+ - Number of results per page, max 50. def artist_search(query = {}) if query.is_a? String result = self.class.get("/search/artists.json", :query => { :query => query }) elsif query.is_a? Hash artist_name = query.delete(:artist_name) result = self.class.get("/search/artists.json", :query => query.merge(:query => artist_name)) end result end # ==== Event Search API # # # === Parameters # * +query+ - A hash of query parameters, see below for options. # # _Example:_ { :type => 'concert', :artists => 'Coolio' } # # ==== Query Parameters # * +type+ - valid types: concert or festival # * +artists+ - events by any of the artists, comma-separated # * +artist_name+ - plain text name of artist ex. 'As I Lay Dying', 'Parkway Drive', 'Animals As Leaders' # * +artist_id+ - Songkick unique ID for an artist # * +venue_id+ - Songkick unique ID for a venue # * +setlist_item_name+ - name of a song which was played at the event – use with artist_id or artist_name # * +min_date+ - Oldest date for which you want to look for events # * +max_date+ - Most recent date for which you want to look for events # * +location+ - See the Songkick website for instructions on how to use the location parameter def events(query = {}) result = get("/events.json", :query => query) result end # ==== Location Search API # # # === Parameters # * +query+ - A hash of query parameters, see below for options. Note: Only one of name, location, or ip may be used at a time. # # ==== Query Parameters # * +name+ - Metro area or city named 'location_name' string Ex. 'Minneapolis', 'Nashville', or 'London'. # * +location+ - 'geo:{lat,lng}' string Ex. 'geo:{-0.128,51.5078}' # * +ip+ - 'ip:{ip-addr}' string Ex. 'ip:{}' # * +page+ - Page number # * +per_page+ - Number of results per page, max 50. def location_search(query = {}) result = get("/search/locations.json", :query => query) result end # Location Search by geographic coordinates # # === Parameters # * +latitude+ - float Ex. 44.67 # * +longitude+ - float Ex. -19.35 # * +options+ - hash of additional options such as page and per_page def location_search_geo(latitude, longitude, options = {}) location_search(options.merge(:location => "geo:#{latitude},#{longitude}")) end # Location Search by IP address # # === Parameters # * +ip_address+ string Ex. '' # * +options+ - hash of additional options such as page and per_page def location_search_ip(ip_address, options) location_search(options.merge(:location => "ip:#{ip_address}")) end # Location Search by metro area name # # === Parameters # * +metro_area_name+ - Metro area or city named 'location_name' string Ex. 'Minneapolis', 'Nashville', or 'London'. # * +options+ - hash of additional options such as page and per_page def location_search_metro_area_name(metro_area_name) location_search(options.merge(:query => metro_area_name)) end # ==== Metro Area Events (Upcoming) # Returns an array of Events. # # # # === Parameters # * +metro_area_id+ - Songkick unique ID for metro areas. Use location_search to find a metro area ID. # * +query+ - A hash of query parameters, see below for options. # # ==== Query Parameters # * +page+ - Page number # * +per_page+ - Number of results per page, max 50. def metro_areas_events(metro_area_id, query = {}) result = get("/metro_areas/#{metro_area_id}/calendar.json", :query => query) result end # ==== Venue Calendar # # # === Parameters # # * +venue_id+ - Songkick venue ID. def venue_calendar(venue_id) result = get("/venues/#{venue_id}/calendar.json") result end # ==== Venue Search # # # === Parameters # # * +query+ - A hash of query parameters, see below for options. # # ==== Query Parameters # * +query+ - Venue name search string # * +page+ - Page number # * +per_page+ - Number of results per page, max 50. def venue_search(query) result = get("/search/venues.json", :query => query) result end end end end