module RSpec module Rails module Matchers module ActionCable # rubocop: disable Metrics/ClassLength # @private class HaveBroadcastedTo < RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::BaseMatcher def initialize(target, channel:) @target = target @channel = channel @block = {} @data = nil set_expected_number(:exactly, 1) end def with(data = nil) @data = data @data = @data.with_indifferent_access if @data.is_a?(Hash) @block = if block_given? self end def exactly(count) set_expected_number(:exactly, count) self end def at_least(count) set_expected_number(:at_least, count) self end def at_most(count) set_expected_number(:at_most, count) self end def times self end def once exactly(:once) end def twice exactly(:twice) end def thrice exactly(:thrice) end def failure_message "expected to broadcast #{base_message}".tap do |msg| if @unmatching_msgs.any? msg << "\nBroadcasted messages to #{stream}:" @unmatching_msgs.each do |data| msg << "\n #{data}" end end end end def failure_message_when_negated "expected not to broadcast #{base_message}" end def message_expectation_modifier case @expectation_type when :exactly then "exactly" when :at_most then "at most" when :at_least then "at least" end end def supports_block_expectations? true end def matches?(proc) raise ArgumentError, "have_broadcasted_to and broadcast_to only support block expectations" unless Proc === proc original_sent_messages_count = pubsub_adapter.broadcasts(stream).size in_block_messages = pubsub_adapter.broadcasts(stream).drop(original_sent_messages_count) check(in_block_messages) end def from_channel(channel) @channel = channel self end private def stream @stream ||= if @target.is_a?(String) @target else check_channel_presence @channel.broadcasting_for(@target) end end def check(messages) @matching_msgs, @unmatching_msgs = messages.partition do |msg| decoded = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(msg) decoded = decoded.with_indifferent_access if decoded.is_a?(Hash) if @data.nil? || @data === decoded true else false end end @matching_msgs_count = @matching_msgs.size case @expectation_type when :exactly then @expected_number == @matching_msgs_count when :at_most then @expected_number >= @matching_msgs_count when :at_least then @expected_number <= @matching_msgs_count end end def set_expected_number(relativity, count) @expectation_type = relativity @expected_number = case count when :once then 1 when :twice then 2 when :thrice then 3 else Integer(count) end end def base_message "#{message_expectation_modifier} #{@expected_number} messages to #{stream}".tap do |msg| msg << " with #{data_description(@data)}" unless @data.nil? msg << ", but broadcast #{@matching_msgs_count}" end end def data_description(data) if data.is_a?(RSpec::Matchers::Composable) data.description else data end end def pubsub_adapter ::ActionCable.server.pubsub end def check_channel_presence return if @channel.present? && @channel.respond_to?(:channel_name) error_msg = "Broadcasting channel can't be infered. Please, specify it with `from_channel`" raise ArgumentError, error_msg end end # rubocop: enable Metrics/ClassLength end end end end