/*! * Stylus - Node * Copyright(c) 2010 LearnBoost * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Evaluator = require('../visitor/evaluator') , utils = require('../utils') , nodes = require('./'); /** * Initialize a new `CoercionError` with the given `msg`. * * @param {String} msg * @api private */ function CoercionError(msg) { this.name = 'CoercionError' this.message = msg Error.captureStackTrace(this, CoercionError); } /** * Inherit from `Error.prototype`. */ CoercionError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype; /** * Node constructor. * * @api public */ var Node = module.exports = function Node(){ this.lineno = nodes.lineno || 1; this.column = nodes.column || 1; this.filename = nodes.filename; }; Node.prototype = { constructor: Node, /** * Return this node. * * @return {Node} * @api public */ get first() { return this; }, /** * Return hash. * * @return {String} * @api public */ get hash() { return this.val; }, /** * Return node name. * * @return {String} * @api public */ get nodeName() { return this.constructor.name.toLowerCase(); }, /** * Return this node. * * @return {Node} * @api public */ clone: function(){ return this; }, /** * Return a JSON representation of this node. * * @return {Object} * @api public */ toJSON: function(){ return { lineno: this.lineno, column: this.column, filename: this.filename }; }, /** * Nodes by default evaluate to themselves. * * @return {Node} * @api public */ eval: function(){ return new Evaluator(this).evaluate(); }, /** * Return true. * * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ toBoolean: function(){ return nodes.true; }, /** * Return the expression, or wrap this node in an expression. * * @return {Expression} * @api public */ toExpression: function(){ if ('expression' == this.nodeName) return this; var expr = new nodes.Expression; expr.push(this); return expr; }, /** * Return false if `op` is generally not coerced. * * @param {String} op * @return {Boolean} * @api private */ shouldCoerce: function(op){ switch (op) { case 'is a': case 'in': case '||': case '&&': return false; default: return true; } }, /** * Operate on `right` with the given `op`. * * @param {String} op * @param {Node} right * @return {Node} * @api public */ operate: function(op, right){ switch (op) { case 'is a': if ('string' == right.nodeName) { return nodes.Boolean(this.nodeName == right.val); } else { throw new Error('"is a" expects a string, got ' + right.toString()); } case '==': return nodes.Boolean(this.hash == right.hash); case '!=': return nodes.Boolean(this.hash != right.hash); case '>=': return nodes.Boolean(this.hash >= right.hash); case '<=': return nodes.Boolean(this.hash <= right.hash); case '>': return nodes.Boolean(this.hash > right.hash); case '<': return nodes.Boolean(this.hash < right.hash); case '||': return this.toBoolean().isTrue ? this : right; case 'in': var vals = utils.unwrap(right).nodes , len = vals && vals.length , hash = this.hash; if (!vals) throw new Error('"in" given invalid right-hand operand, expecting an expression'); // 'prop' in obj if (1 == len && 'object' == vals[0].nodeName) { return nodes.Boolean(vals[0].has(this.hash)); } for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (hash == vals[i].hash) { return nodes.true; } } return nodes.false; case '&&': var a = this.toBoolean() , b = right.toBoolean(); return a.isTrue && b.isTrue ? right : a.isFalse ? this : right; default: if ('[]' == op) { var msg = 'cannot perform ' + this + '[' + right + ']'; } else { var msg = 'cannot perform' + ' ' + this + ' ' + op + ' ' + right; } throw new Error(msg); } }, /** * Default coercion throws. * * @param {Node} other * @return {Node} * @api public */ coerce: function(other){ if (other.nodeName == this.nodeName) return other; throw new CoercionError('cannot coerce ' + other + ' to ' + this.nodeName); } };