#include "ast.hpp" #include "prelexer.hpp" #include "backtrace.hpp" #include "to_string.hpp" #include "error_handling.hpp" #include namespace Sass { namespace Exception { Base::Base(ParserState pstate, std::string msg) : std::runtime_error(msg), msg(msg), pstate(pstate) { } const char* Base::what() const throw() { return msg.c_str(); } InvalidSass::InvalidSass(ParserState pstate, std::string msg) : Base(pstate, msg) { } InvalidParent::InvalidParent(Selector* parent, Selector* selector) : Base(selector->pstate()), parent(parent), selector(selector) { msg = "Invalid parent selector for \""; msg += selector->to_string(false); msg += "\": \""; msg += parent->to_string(false);; msg += "\""; } InvalidArgumentType::InvalidArgumentType(ParserState pstate, std::string fn, std::string arg, std::string type, const Value* value) : Base(pstate), fn(fn), arg(arg), type(type), value(value) { msg = arg + ": \""; msg += value->to_string(true, 5); msg += "\" is not a " + type; msg += " for `" + fn + "'"; } InvalidSyntax::InvalidSyntax(ParserState pstate, std::string msg) : Base(pstate, msg) { } } void warn(std::string msg, ParserState pstate) { std::cerr << "Warning: " << msg<< std::endl; } void warn(std::string msg, ParserState pstate, Backtrace* bt) { Backtrace top(bt, pstate, ""); msg += top.to_string(); warn(msg, pstate); } void deprecated_function(std::string msg, ParserState pstate) { std::string cwd(Sass::File::get_cwd()); std::string abs_path(Sass::File::rel2abs(pstate.path, cwd, cwd)); std::string rel_path(Sass::File::abs2rel(pstate.path, cwd, cwd)); std::string output_path(Sass::File::path_for_console(rel_path, abs_path, pstate.path)); std::cerr << "DEPRECATION WARNING: " << msg << std::endl; std::cerr << "will be an error in future versions of Sass." << std::endl; std::cerr << " on line " << pstate.line+1 << " of " << output_path << std::endl; } void deprecated(std::string msg, std::string msg2, ParserState pstate) { std::string cwd(Sass::File::get_cwd()); std::string abs_path(Sass::File::rel2abs(pstate.path, cwd, cwd)); std::string rel_path(Sass::File::abs2rel(pstate.path, cwd, cwd)); std::string output_path(Sass::File::path_for_console(rel_path, pstate.path, pstate.path)); std::cerr << "DEPRECATION WARNING on line " << pstate.line + 1; if (output_path.length()) std::cerr << " of " << output_path; std::cerr << ":" << std::endl; std::cerr << msg << " and will be an error in future versions of Sass." << std::endl; if (msg2.length()) std::cerr << msg2 << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; } void deprecated_bind(std::string msg, ParserState pstate) { std::string cwd(Sass::File::get_cwd()); std::string abs_path(Sass::File::rel2abs(pstate.path, cwd, cwd)); std::string rel_path(Sass::File::abs2rel(pstate.path, cwd, cwd)); std::string output_path(Sass::File::path_for_console(rel_path, abs_path, pstate.path)); std::cerr << "WARNING: " << msg << std::endl; std::cerr << " on line " << pstate.line+1 << " of " << output_path << std::endl; std::cerr << "This will be an error in future versions of Sass." << std::endl; } void error(std::string msg, ParserState pstate) { throw Exception::InvalidSyntax(pstate, msg); } void error(std::string msg, ParserState pstate, Backtrace* bt) { Backtrace top(bt, pstate, ""); msg += "\n" + top.to_string(); error(msg, pstate); } }