require 'rubygems' require "bundler/gem_tasks" require 'bundler/setup' require 'rake' require 'terminal-table' require 'ruby_app' namespace :ruby_app do desc 'Get version' task :version do |task| puts RubyApp::VERSION end desc 'Display commit difference between current branch and staging' task :changes do |task| system("git checkout development; git pull origin development; git log --pretty=format:'%H %s' production..HEAD") end desc 'Push to development' task :push do |task| system('git checkout development; git pull origin development; git push origin development') end desc 'Push to production, release, and increment version' task :release do |task| system('git checkout production; git pull origin production; git merge origin/development; git push origin production; rake release; git checkout development') version_file = File.join(RubyApp::ROOT, %w[version.rb]) RubyApp::VERSION =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ system("sed 's|[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*|#{$1}.#{$2}.#{$3.to_i + 1}|g' < '#{version_file}' > '#{version_file}.out'; rm '#{version_file}'; mv '#{version_file}.out' '#{version_file}'") system("git commit --all --message=\'Version #{$1}.#{$2}.#{$3.to_i + 1}\'") end namespace :process do desc 'Create console' task :console do |task| system('cd ./lib/ruby_app; bundle exec irb -r ./console.rb --back-trace-limit 100') end namespace :server do desc 'Start the server' task :start, [:daemonize] => ['ruby_app:cache:destroy'] do |task, arguments| daemonize = arguments.daemonize ? arguments.daemonize.to_b : true system("cd ./lib/ruby_app; mkdir -p ./process/thin/log ./process/thin/pid; bundle exec thin --rackup --port 8000 --log ./process/thin/log/thin.log --pid ./process/thin/pid/ #{daemonize ? '--daemonize' : nil} start") end desc 'Stop the server' task :stop do |task| system('cd ./lib/ruby_app; for pid in ./process/thin/pid/*.pid; do bundle exec thin --pid $pid stop; done') end desc 'Restart the server' task :restart, [:daemonize] => ['ruby_app:process:server:stop', 'ruby_app:process:server:start'] end end namespace :script do desc 'Run a given script through PhantomJS on a given url' task :run, :url, :script do |task, arguments| system("phantomjs --ignore-ssl-errors=true lib/ruby_app/scripts/phantom/phantom.js #{arguments.url} #{arguments.script}") end namespace :standard_no_logon do desc 'Run the script through PhantomJS on a given url' task :run, :url do |task, arguments| Rake::Task['ruby_app:script:run'].invoke(arguments.url, 'phantom/standard_no_logon') end desc 'Run the script on the local environment' task :local do |task| Rake::Task['ruby_app:script:standard_no_logon:run'].invoke('http://localhost:8000') end end end namespace :cache do desc 'List all cached files' task :list do system('find . | grep \'\\.cache\'') end desc 'Delete all cached files' task :destroy do system('find . -name \'.cache\' | xargs rm -rv') end end end