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STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_DEVICE_WATCHDOG_REQUESTS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_DEVICE_WATCHDOG_ANSWERS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_DISCONNECT_PEER_REQUESTS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_DISCONNECT_PEER_ANSWERS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_CAPABILITIES_EXCHANGE_REQUESTS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_CAPABILITIES_EXCHANGE_ANSWERS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_DEVICE_WATCHDOG_REQUESTS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_DEVICE_WATCHDOG_ANSWERS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_DISCONNECT_PEER_REQUESTS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_DISCONNECT_PEER_ANSWERS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_REQUESTS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_REQUESTS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_ANSWERS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_ANSWERS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_DETECTED_LOOPS STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_ACTIVE_SESSIONS STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_BYTES_SENT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_BYTES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_PEER_ERRORS STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_CAPABILITIES_EXCHANGE_REQUESTS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_CAPABILITIES_EXCHANGE_ANSWERS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_DEVICE_WATCHDOG_REQUESTS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_DEVICE_WATCHDOG_ANSWERS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_DISCONNECT_PEER_REQUESTS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_DISCONNECT_PEER_ANSWERS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_CAPABILITIES_EXCHANGE_REQUESTS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_CAPABILITIES_EXCHANGE_ANSWERS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_DEVICE_WATCHDOG_REQUESTS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_DEVICE_WATCHDOG_ANSWERS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_DISCONNECT_PEER_REQUESTS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_DISCONNECT_PEER_ANSWERS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_REQUESTS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_REQUESTS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_ANSWERS_IN STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_ANSWERS_OUT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_RETRANSMITS STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_DETECTED_LOOPS STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_DETECTED_DUPLICATES STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_ACTIVE_SESSIONS STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_QUEUE_OVERFLOW_DROPS STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_BYTES_SENT STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_BYTES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_ERRORS STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_BAD_MESSAGES STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_UNCONFIGURED_PEERS STATISTIC_DIAMETERROUTING_UNCONFIGURED_PEER_MESSAGES STATISTIC_VCMP_DISK_USE STATISTIC_VCMP_MEMORY_USE STATISTIC_VCMP_UPTIME STATISTIC_VCMP_PACKETS_IN STATISTIC_VCMP_BYTES_IN STATISTIC_VCMP_PACKETS_OUT STATISTIC_VCMP_BYTES_OUT STATISTIC_VCMP_MULTICASTS_IN STATISTIC_VCMP_MULTICASTS_OUT STATISTIC_VCMP_DROPS_IN STATISTIC_VCMP_DROPS_OUT STATISTIC_VIRTUAL_DISK_DISK_USE STATISTIC_GTM_POOL_RETURN_FROM_DNS STATISTIC_GTM_WIDEIP_RETURN_FROM_DNS STATISTIC_SSL_SESSTICK_REUSED STATISTIC_SSL_SESSTICK_REUSE_FAILED STATISTIC_SSL_CIPHER_ECDHE_RSA_KEY_EXCHANGE STATISTIC_DNS_HDR_RD STATISTIC_DNS_HDR_CD STATISTIC_DNS_HDR_EDNS0 STATISTIC_DNS_OP_QUERY STATISTIC_DNS_OP_NOTIFY STATISTIC_DNS_OP_UPDATE STATISTIC_DNS_ZONE_IXFR STATISTIC_DNS_ZONE_AXFR STATISTIC_DNS_HDR_AA STATISTIC_DNS_HDR_RA STATISTIC_DNS_HDR_AD STATISTIC_DNS_HDR_TC STATISTIC_DNS_RC_NOERROR STATISTIC_DNS_RC_NXDOMAIN STATISTIC_DNS_RC_SERVFAIL STATISTIC_DNS_RC_REFUSED STATISTIC_ICAP_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS STATISTIC_ICAP_TOTAL_REQMODE_REQUEST STATISTIC_ICAP_TOTAL_REQMODE_RESPONSE STATISTIC_ICAP_TOTAL_RSPMODE_REQUEST STATISTIC_ICAP_TOTAL_RSPMODE_RESPONSE STATISTIC_ADAPT_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS STATISTIC_ADAPT_RECORDS_IN STATISTIC_ADAPT_RECORDS_OUT STATISTIC_ADAPT_RECORDS_SENT_FOR_ADAPTATION STATISTIC_ADAPT_RECORDS_ADAPTED STATISTIC_ADAPT_TIMEOUT_ERRORS STATISTIC_ADAPT_ADAPTATION_ERRORS STATISTIC_ACL_NO_MATCH STATISTIC_SSL_COMMON_FWDP_CONNS STATISTIC_SSL_COMMON_FWDP_CACHED_CERTS STATISTIC_GTM_POOL_CNAME_RESOLUTIONS STATISTIC_GTM_WIDEIP_CNAME_RESOLUTIONS STATISTIC_SPDY_CONNECTIONS_ACCEPTED STATISTIC_SPDY_CONNECTIONS_CURRENT STATISTIC_SPDY_CONNECTIONS_MAX STATISTIC_SPDY_DATA_FRAMES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_SPDY_DATA_FRAMES_SENT STATISTIC_SPDY_FLOWS_CREATED STATISTIC_SPDY_FLOWS_CURRENT STATISTIC_SPDY_FLOWS_MAX STATISTIC_SPDY_GOAWAY_FRAMES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_SPDY_GOAWAY_FRAMES_SENT STATISTIC_SPDY_HEADERS_FRAMES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_SPDY_HEADERS_FRAMES_SENT STATISTIC_SPDY_HTTP_REQUEST_BYTES STATISTIC_SPDY_HTTP_RESPONSE_BYTES STATISTIC_SPDY_NOOP_FRAMES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_SPDY_NOOP_FRAMES_SENT STATISTIC_SPDY_PING_FRAMES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_SPDY_PING_FRAMES_SENT STATISTIC_SPDY_RST_STREAM_FRAMES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_SPDY_RST_STREAM_FRAMES_SENT STATISTIC_SPDY_SETTINGS_FRAMES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_SPDY_SETTINGS_FRAMES_SENT STATISTIC_SPDY_SPDY_REQUEST_BYTES STATISTIC_SPDY_SPDY_REQUEST_FRAMES STATISTIC_SPDY_SPDY_RESPONSE_BYTES STATISTIC_SPDY_SPDY_RESPONSE_FRAMES STATISTIC_SPDY_SYN_REPLY_FRAMES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_SPDY_SYN_REPLY_FRAMES_SENT STATISTIC_SPDY_SYN_STREAM_FRAMES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_SPDY_SYN_STREAM_FRAMES_SENT STATISTIC_SPDY_V2_STREAMS_CREATED STATISTIC_SPDY_V2_STREAMS_CURRENT STATISTIC_SPDY_V2_STREAMS_MAX STATISTIC_SPDY_V3_STREAMS_CREATED STATISTIC_SPDY_V3_STREAMS_CURRENT STATISTIC_SPDY_V3_STREAMS_MAX STATISTIC_SPDY_WINDOW_UPDATE_FRAMES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_SPDY_WINDOW_UPDATE_FRAMES_SENT STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_TRANSLATION_REQUESTS STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_HAIRPIN_CONNECTION_REQUESTS STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_ACTIVE_TRANSLATIONS STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_ACTIVE_HAIRPIN_CONNECTIONS STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_TRANSLATION_REQUEST_FAILURES STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_PERSISTENCE_MAPPING_FAILURES STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_HAIRPIN_CONNECTION_FAILURES STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_BACKUP_POOL_TRANSLATIONS STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_ACTIVE_PERSISTENCE_MAPPINGS STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_ACTIVE_INBOUND_RESERVATIONS STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_LOG_ATTEMPTS STATISTIC_LSN_POOL_LOG_FAILURES STATISTIC_DNS_MALICIOUS STATISTIC_DNS_A_REQS STATISTIC_DNS_AAAA_REQS STATISTIC_DNS_ANY_REQS STATISTIC_DNS_CNAME_REQS STATISTIC_DNS_MX_REQS STATISTIC_DNS_NS_REQS STATISTIC_DNS_PTR_REQS STATISTIC_DNS_SOA_REQS STATISTIC_DNS_SRV_REQS STATISTIC_DNS_TXT_REQS STATISTIC_DNS_OTHER_REQS STATISTIC_DNS_FILTERED_DROPS STATISTIC_DNS_A_DROPS STATISTIC_DNS_AAAA_DROPS STATISTIC_DNS_ANY_DROPS STATISTIC_DNS_CNAME_DROPS STATISTIC_DNS_MX_DROPS STATISTIC_DNS_NS_DROPS STATISTIC_DNS_PTR_DROPS STATISTIC_DNS_SOA_DROPS STATISTIC_DNS_SRV_DROPS STATISTIC_DNS_TXT_DROPS STATISTIC_DNS_OTHER_DROPS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_SPAM_SOURCES_WARNINGS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_SPAM_SOURCES_REJECTS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_WINDOWS_EXPLOITS_WARNINGS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_WINDOWS_EXPLOITS_REJECTS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_WEB_ATTACKS_WARNINGS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_WEB_ATTACKS_REJECTS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_BOTNETS_WARNINGS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_BOTNETS_REJECTS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_SCANNERS_WARNINGS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_SCANNERS_REJECTS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_DENIAL_OF_SERVICE_WARNINGS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_DENIAL_OF_SERVICE_REJECTS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_INFECTED_SOURCES_WARNINGS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_INFECTED_SOURCES_REJECTS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_PHISHING_WARNINGS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_PHISHING_REJECTS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_PROXY_WARNINGS STATISTIC_IP_INTELLIGENCE_PROXY_REJECTS STATISTIC_DNS_EFFECTIVE_LICENSED_RATE STATISTIC_DNS_LICENSED_OBJECT_COUNT STATISTIC_DNS_RATE_LIMITED_REQUESTS STATISTIC_GTM_EFFECTIVE_LICENSED_RATE STATISTIC_GTM_LICENSED_OBJECT_COUNT STATISTIC_GTM_RATE_LIMITED_REQUESTS STATISTIC_VIRTUAL_SERVER_SYNCOOKIE_HW_INSTANCES STATISTIC_VIRTUAL_SERVER_SYNCOOKIE_SW_INSTANCES STATISTIC_VIRTUAL_SERVER_SYNCOOKIE_CACHE_USAGE STATISTIC_VIRTUAL_SERVER_SYNCOOKIE_CACHE_OVERFLOWS STATISTIC_VIRTUAL_SERVER_SYNCOOKIE_SW_TOTAL STATISTIC_VIRTUAL_SERVER_SYNCOOKIE_SW_ACCEPTS STATISTIC_VIRTUAL_SERVER_SYNCOOKIE_SW_REJECTS STATISTIC_VIRTUAL_SERVER_SYNCOOKIE_HW_TOTAL STATISTIC_VIRTUAL_SERVER_SYNCOOKIE_HW_ACCEPTS STATISTIC_DOS_ATTACK_DETECTED STATISTIC_DOS_ATTACKS STATISTIC_DOS_PACKETS_RECEIVED_ONE_HOUR_SAMPLES STATISTIC_DOS_PACKETS_RECEIVED STATISTIC_DOS_PACKETS_RECEIVED_RATE_ONE_SEC STATISTIC_DOS_PACKETS_RECEIVED_ONE_MIN STATISTIC_DOS_PACKETS_RECEIVED_ONE_HOUR STATISTIC_DOS_DROPS STATISTIC_DOS_DROPS_RATE_ONE_SEC STATISTIC_DOS_DROPS_ONE_MIN STATISTIC_DOS_DROPS_ONE_HOUR STATISTIC_DOS_INTERNAL_DROPS STATISTIC_DOS_INTERNAL_DROPS_RATE_ONE_SEC STATISTIC_DOS_INTERNAL_DROPS_ONE_MIN STATISTIC_DOS_INTERNAL_DROPS_ONE_HOUR STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_OPENS STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_DISCONNECTS STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_MSG STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_BYTES STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_MSG_REQUESTS STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_MSG_ERRORS STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_MSG_ANSWERS STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_UNMATCHED_ANSWERS STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_INVALID STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_MSG STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_BYTES STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_MSG_REQUESTS STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_MSG_ERRORS STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_MSG_ANSWERS STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_MSG_REXMIT STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_MSG_REXMIT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_REQUESTS_PENDING STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_CER STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_CEA STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_CER STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_CEA STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_DWR STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_DWA STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_DWR STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_DWA STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_DPR STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_TX_DPA STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_DPR STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_RX_DPA STATISTIC_DIAMETER_ENDPOINT_TOTAL_STATE_MACHINE_ERRORS STATISTIC_FW_RULE_HITS STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_BWC_UPLINKS STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_BWC_DOWNLINKS STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_CLONES STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_DROPS STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_DSCP_MARKING_UPLINKS STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_DSCP_MARKING_DOWNLINKS STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_FLOW_REPORTS STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_L2_MARKING_UPLINKS STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_L2_MARKING_DOWNLINKS STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_REDIRECTS STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_REEVAL_COUNT STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_REEVAL_MAX STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_STEERING STATISTIC_PEM_ACTION_STEERING_ENDPOINT STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_ACTIVE_CURRENT STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_ACTIVE_MAXIMUM STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_FAILED_PROVISIONING_CURRENT STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_FAILED_PROVISIONING_MAXIMUM STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_LIMITS_EXCEED STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_MARKED_DELETED_CURRENT STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_MARKED_DELETED_MAXIMUM STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_PENDING_PROVISIONING_RESPONSES_CURRENT STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_PENDING_PROVISIONING_RESPONSES_MAXIMUM STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_PROVISIONED_AS_UNKNOWN_CURRENT STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_PROVISIONED_AS_UNKNOWN_MAXIMUM STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_PROVISIONED_CURRENT STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_PROVISIONED_MAXIMUM STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_SESSIONS_TOTAL STATISTIC_PEM_SESSION_FAILURES_SPM_QUEUE_FULL STATISTIC_PEM_GX_CURRENT_ACTIVE_SESSIONS STATISTIC_PEM_GX_MAXIMUM_ACTIVE_SESSIONS STATISTIC_PEM_GX_CCA_RECEIVED STATISTIC_PEM_GX_CCR_SENT STATISTIC_PEM_GX_CURRENT_SESSIONS_CLOSE_INITIATED STATISTIC_PEM_GX_MAXIMUM_SESSIONS_CLOSE_INITIATED STATISTIC_PEM_GX_CURRENT_INACTIVE_WITH_PROVISIONING_ERRORS STATISTIC_PEM_GX_MAXIMUM_INACTIVE_WITH_PROVISIONING_ERRORS STATISTIC_PEM_GX_CURRENT_SESSIONS_INITIATED STATISTIC_PEM_GX_MAXIMUM_SESSIONS_INITIATED STATISTIC_PEM_GX_ERROR_MESSAGES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_PEM_GX_REPORT_MESSAGES_DROPPED STATISTIC_PEM_GX_POLICY_UPDATES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_PEM_GX_POLICY_REQUESTS_SENT STATISTIC_PEM_GX_RAA_MESSAGES_SENT STATISTIC_PEM_GX_RAR_MESSAGES_RECEIVED STATISTIC_PEM_GX_SESSIONS_CREATED STATISTIC_PEM_GX_SESSIONS_TERMINATED STATISTIC_PEM_GX_USAGE_REPORT_MESSAGES_SENT STATISTIC_PEM_SESSIONDB_BYTES_UPLINK STATISTIC_PEM_SESSIONDB_BYTES_DOWNLINK STATISTIC_PEM_SESSIONDB_FLOWS_TOTAL STATISTIC_PEM_SESSIONDB_FLOWS_CURRENT STATISTIC_PEM_SESSIONDB_FLOWS_MAX COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE COMPRESSION_METHOD_GZIP HTTP_COMPRESSION_MODE_DISABLE HTTP_COMPRESSION_MODE_ENABLE HTTP_COMPRESSION_MODE_SELECTIVE SFLOW_GLOBAL_UNKNOWN SFLOW_GLOBAL_YES SFLOW_GLOBAL_NO Gets a list of all HTTP profiles. Creates the specified HTTP profiles. Deletes the specified HTTP profiles. Deletes all HTTP profiles. Determines whether the specified HTTP profiles are base profiles. A base profile sits at the base of the profile's inheritance tree, supplying the defaults for every profile derived from it. (See also is_system_profile). Determines whether the specified HTTP profiles are system profiles. A system profile is a profile pre-configured on the system, ready for use. Non-system profiles are profiles created or modified by a user. Note that if a system profile is modified, it is no longer considered a system profile. (See also is_base_profile). Sets the names of the default profiles from which the specified profiles will derive default values for its attributes. Gets the names of the default profiles from which the specified profiles will derive default values for its attributes. Sets the basic authentication realms for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the basic authentication realms for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the states that specify whether OneConnect HTTP header transformation is used for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the states that specify that OneConnect HTTP header transformation feature is used or not. Sets the headers to be inserted into the HTTP headers for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the headers to be inserted for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the headers to be erased into the HTTP headers for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the headers to be erased for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the fallback host names used in HTTP redirect for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the fallback host names used in HTTP redirect for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the lists of status codes that when matched, traffic will be sent to the "fallback_host". An exception will be thrown if fallback status codes are set when "fallback_host" has not been specified. Adds to the lists of status codes that when matched, traffic will be sent to the "fallback_host". An exception will be thrown if fallback status codes are set when "fallback_host" has not been specified. Removes from the lists of status codes that when matched, traffic will be sent to the "fallback_host". An exception will be thrown if fallback status codes are set when "fallback_host" has not been specified. Resets the list to the parent defaults. Gets the lists of permitted headers in the responses for the specified HTTP profiles. Adds to the lists of permitted headers in the responses for the specified HTTP profiles. Removes from the lists of permitted headers in the responses for the specified HTTP profiles. Resets the list to the parent defaults. Gets the lists of cookies to be encrypted before sending them to the clients. Adds to the lists of cookies to be encrypted before sending them to the clients. Removes from the lists of cookies to be encrypted before sending them to the clients. Resets the list to the parent defaults. Sets the passphrases used to encrypt the cookies for the specified profiles. Gets the passphrases used to encrypt the cookies for the specified profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the HTTP compression modes for the specified HTTP profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the HTTP compression modes for the specified HTTP profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the list to the parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the lists to parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to enable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type include fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to enable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type include fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to enable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type include fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the lists to parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type exclue fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type exclue fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type exclue fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the lists to parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the preferred compression methods. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the preferred compression methods. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the values that specify the minimmum length of the server responses (in bytes) to be considered acceptable for compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the values that specify the minimmum length of the server responses (in bytes) to be considered acceptable for compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the values that specify the maximum number of uncompressed bytes that the compression proxy will buffer before it decides whether or not to compress the server's response, in case the server's response headers don't specify the content length of the response. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the values that specify the maximum number of uncompressed bytes that the compression proxy will buffer before it decides whether or not to compress the server's response, in case the server's response headers don't specify the content length of the response. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the states that specify whether we will insert the header "Vary: Accept-Encoding" in the server response for responses that have been compressed. If the "Vary:" header already exists in the server response, then the value "Accept-Encoding" will be appended to it. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the states that specify whether we will insert the header "Vary: Accept-Encoding" in the server response for responses that have been compressed. If the "Vary:" header already exists in the server response, then the value "Accept-Encoding" will be appended to it. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the states that specify whether we will allow compression on responses to HTTP 1.0 requests. Default will be "false", i.e. disallowing compression on HTTP 1.0 responses. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the states that specify whether we will allow compression on responses to HTTP 1.0 requests. Default will be "false", i.e. disallowing compression on HTTP 1.0 responses. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the amount of memory (in bytes) that the will be used for the internal compression state for each compressed response. Smaller values will be slower and will produce smaller compression ratios, whereas larger values will be faster and produce larger compression ratios. The value must be one of 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K and represent power-of-2 values (kilobytes). The default value will be 8K. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the amount of memory (in bytes) that the will be used for the internal compression state for each compressed response. Smaller values will be slower and will produce smaller compression ratios, whereas larger values will be faster and produce larger compression ratios. The value must be one of 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K and represent power-of-2 values (kilobytes). The default value will be 8K. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the amount of memory (in bytes) for the window size (the compression history buffer) that will be used when compressing the server response. Higher values produce better compression ratios at the expense of more memory usage. The value must be one of 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K and represent power-of-2 values (kilobytes). The default value will be 16K. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the amount of memory (in bytes) for the window size (the compression history buffer) that will be used when compressing the server response. Higher values produce better compression ratios at the expense of more memory usage. The value must be one of 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K and represent power-of-2 values (kilobytes). The default value will be 16K. Sets the HTTP chunk mode for the requests. Gets the HTTP chunk mode for the requests. Sets the HTTP chunk mode for the responses. Gets the HTTP chunk mode for the responses. Sets the linear white space maximum column sizes used to support multi-line header insertion. Gets the linear white space maximum column sizes used to support multi-line header insertion. Sets the linear white space separator strings for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the linear white space separator strings for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the HTTP redirect/rewrite mode for the responses. Gets the HTTP redirect/rewrite mode for the responses. Sets the maximum header sizes for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the maximum header sizes for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the maximum number of HTTP requests allowed in the connection before it is closed automatically. Gets the maximum number of HTTP requests allowed in the connection before it is closed automatically. Sets the pipelining mode for the specified profiles. Gets the pipelining mode for the specified profiles. Sets the mode to indicate whether to insert X-Forwarded-For headers for the specified profiles. Gets the mode to indicate whether to insert X-Forwarded-For headers for the specified profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the states that specify how we handle the "Accept-Encoding:" header. If set to false, we will strip the "Accept-Encoding:" header before passing the request on to the server (so that the server doesn't also compress the response). If it is set to true, we will leave the "Accept-Encoding:" header in the request so that servers are able to do compression. We will not compress responses that have already been compressed. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the states that specify how we handle the "Accept-Encoding:" header. If set to false, we will strip the "Accept-Encoding:" header before passing the request on to the server (so that the server doesn't also compress the response). If it is set to true, we will leave the "Accept-Encoding:" header in the request so that servers are able to do compression. We will not compress responses that have already been compressed. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the compression level used by the specified HTTP profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the compression level used by the specified HTTP profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the states that specify whether to workaround browser bugs when doing compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the states that specify whether to workaround browser bugs when doing compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the states that specify whether to enable CPU saving mode when doing compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the states that specify whether to enable CPU saving mode when doing compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the CPU saver high threshold that basically switches to NULL compression when CPU utilization exceeds this value. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the CPU saver high threshold that basically switches to NULL compression when CPU utilization exceeds this value. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the CPU saver low threshold that basically enables full throttle on compression when CPU utilization drops below this value. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the CPU saver low threshold that basically enables full throttle on compression when CPU utilization drops below this value. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the RAM cache mode for the specified profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the RAM cache mode for the specified profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the size (MB) of the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the size (MB) of the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the maximum number of cache entries allowed in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the maximum number of cache entries allowed in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the maximum age of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the maximum age of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the minimum size requirement of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the minimum size requirement of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the maximum size requirement of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the maximum size requirement of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the lists to parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the list to the parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of cachable document URIs that will never be evicted from the cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of cachable document URIs that will never be evicted from the cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of cachable document URIs that will never be evicted from the cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the lists to parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the mode to indicate whether to ignore the client cache control headers. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the mode to indicate whether to ignore the client cache control headers. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the aging rate for the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the aging rate for the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the mode that indicates whether to insert the Age headers for the specified profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the mode that indicates whether to insert the Age headers for the specified profiles. Sets the state that if true, enable horizontal security for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the state that if true, enable horizontal security for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the description for a set of HTTP profiles. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the descriptions for a set of HTTP profiles. Sets the sFlow poll intervals for the specified HTTP profiles. This is the maximum interval in seconds between polling of the specified profiles. You should set the poll intervals for the profiles when you want the counters associated with these profiles to be sampled at an interval that is different than the global sFlow poll interval. Note: you will also need to set the polling type to SFLOW_GLOBAL_NO (see set_sflow_poll_interval_global). The default is 0 (zero). Gets the sFlow poll intervals for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the sFlow polling types for the specified HTTP profiles. It allows you to specify whether the global sFlow poll interval overrides the object-level poll interval for the specified profiles. The default is SFLOW_GLOBAL_YES. Gets the sFlow polling types for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the sFlow sampling rates for the specified HTTP profiles. This is the ratio of packets observed at the virtual servers to which the HTTP profile is assigned to the number of samples you want the BIG-IP system to generate. For example, a sampling rate of 2000 specifies that 1 sample will be randomly generated for every 2000 packets observed. You should set the sampling rates for the profiles when you want the traffic flowing through the virtual servers to be sampled at a rate that is different than the global sFlow sampling rate. Note: you will also need to set the sampling type to SFLOW_GLOBAL_NO (see set_sflow_sampling_rate_global). The default is 0 (zero). Gets the sFlow sampling rates for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the sFlow sampling types for the specified HTTP profiles. It allows you to specify whether the global sFlow sampling rate overrides the object-level sampling rate for the specified profiles. The default is SFLOW_GLOBAL_YES. Gets the sFlow sampling types for the specified HTTP profiles. Resets the statistics for the specified HTTP profiles. Resets the statistics for the specified profiles, for specified virtual servers. Gets the statistics for all the HTTP profiles. Gets the statistics for the specified HTTP profiles. Note that as of v11.0, statistics related to compression and caching have been moved to the HTTP Compression and Web Acceleration profiles. Gets the statistics for the specified profiles, by virtual server. Sets the hostname appended to a Via header by the system in a request or response. Gets the hostname appended to a Via header in a request or response by this system. Sets the Via header configuration for requests to the OWS. For more information on Via header configurations see ViaHeader. Gets the Via header configuration for requests to the OWS. For more information on Via header configurations see ViaHeader. Sets the Via header configuration for responses from the OWS. For more information on Via header configurations see ViaHeader. Gets the Via header configuration for responses from the OWS. For more information on Via header configurations see ViaHeader. Sets the accept XFF (X-Forwarded-For) state for the specified HTTP profiles. If enabled - the XFF HTTP header is trusted (accepted) and forwarded. Gets the accept XFF (X-Forwarded-For) state for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the list of XFF alternative header names that are used instead of the default X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. Adds a list of XFF alternative header names. Removes a list of XFF alternative header names. Removes all XFF alternative header names. Resets the XFF alternative header names to default. Sets the server header name sent in responses that the BIG-IP itself generates. The default value is "BigIP". If "" is set as the value, then no server header name will be added to such responses. Gets the server agent name sent in responses that the BIG-IP itself generates. Gets the version information for this interface. Gets a list of all HTTP profiles. Creates the specified HTTP profiles. Deletes the specified HTTP profiles. Deletes all HTTP profiles. Determines whether the specified HTTP profiles are base profiles. A base profile sits at the base of the profile's inheritance tree, supplying the defaults for every profile derived from it. (See also is_system_profile). Determines whether the specified HTTP profiles are system profiles. A system profile is a profile pre-configured on the system, ready for use. Non-system profiles are profiles created or modified by a user. Note that if a system profile is modified, it is no longer considered a system profile. (See also is_base_profile). Sets the names of the default profiles from which the specified profiles will derive default values for its attributes. Gets the names of the default profiles from which the specified profiles will derive default values for its attributes. Sets the basic authentication realms for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the basic authentication realms for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the states that specify whether OneConnect HTTP header transformation is used for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the states that specify that OneConnect HTTP header transformation feature is used or not. Sets the headers to be inserted into the HTTP headers for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the headers to be inserted for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the headers to be erased into the HTTP headers for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the headers to be erased for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the fallback host names used in HTTP redirect for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the fallback host names used in HTTP redirect for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the lists of status codes that when matched, traffic will be sent to the "fallback_host". An exception will be thrown if fallback status codes are set when "fallback_host" has not been specified. Adds to the lists of status codes that when matched, traffic will be sent to the "fallback_host". An exception will be thrown if fallback status codes are set when "fallback_host" has not been specified. Removes from the lists of status codes that when matched, traffic will be sent to the "fallback_host". An exception will be thrown if fallback status codes are set when "fallback_host" has not been specified. Resets the list to the parent defaults. Gets the lists of permitted headers in the responses for the specified HTTP profiles. Adds to the lists of permitted headers in the responses for the specified HTTP profiles. Removes from the lists of permitted headers in the responses for the specified HTTP profiles. Resets the list to the parent defaults. Gets the lists of cookies to be encrypted before sending them to the clients. Adds to the lists of cookies to be encrypted before sending them to the clients. Removes from the lists of cookies to be encrypted before sending them to the clients. Resets the list to the parent defaults. Sets the passphrases used to encrypt the cookies for the specified profiles. Gets the passphrases used to encrypt the cookies for the specified profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the HTTP compression modes for the specified HTTP profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the HTTP compression modes for the specified HTTP profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the list to the parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during compression. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the lists to parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to enable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type include fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to enable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type include fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to enable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type include fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the lists to parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type exclue fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type exclue fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the MIME types in the server response's "Content-Type:" headers. No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compression on all PDF and image files, one would use the following in the content_type exclue fields: : "application/pdf" "image/*". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the lists to parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the preferred compression methods. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the preferred compression methods. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the values that specify the minimmum length of the server responses (in bytes) to be considered acceptable for compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the values that specify the minimmum length of the server responses (in bytes) to be considered acceptable for compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the values that specify the maximum number of uncompressed bytes that the compression proxy will buffer before it decides whether or not to compress the server's response, in case the server's response headers don't specify the content length of the response. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the values that specify the maximum number of uncompressed bytes that the compression proxy will buffer before it decides whether or not to compress the server's response, in case the server's response headers don't specify the content length of the response. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the states that specify whether we will insert the header "Vary: Accept-Encoding" in the server response for responses that have been compressed. If the "Vary:" header already exists in the server response, then the value "Accept-Encoding" will be appended to it. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the states that specify whether we will insert the header "Vary: Accept-Encoding" in the server response for responses that have been compressed. If the "Vary:" header already exists in the server response, then the value "Accept-Encoding" will be appended to it. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the states that specify whether we will allow compression on responses to HTTP 1.0 requests. Default will be "false", i.e. disallowing compression on HTTP 1.0 responses. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the states that specify whether we will allow compression on responses to HTTP 1.0 requests. Default will be "false", i.e. disallowing compression on HTTP 1.0 responses. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the amount of memory (in bytes) that the will be used for the internal compression state for each compressed response. Smaller values will be slower and will produce smaller compression ratios, whereas larger values will be faster and produce larger compression ratios. The value must be one of 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K and represent power-of-2 values (kilobytes). The default value will be 8K. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the amount of memory (in bytes) that the will be used for the internal compression state for each compressed response. Smaller values will be slower and will produce smaller compression ratios, whereas larger values will be faster and produce larger compression ratios. The value must be one of 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K and represent power-of-2 values (kilobytes). The default value will be 8K. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the amount of memory (in bytes) for the window size (the compression history buffer) that will be used when compressing the server response. Higher values produce better compression ratios at the expense of more memory usage. The value must be one of 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K and represent power-of-2 values (kilobytes). The default value will be 16K. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the amount of memory (in bytes) for the window size (the compression history buffer) that will be used when compressing the server response. Higher values produce better compression ratios at the expense of more memory usage. The value must be one of 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K and represent power-of-2 values (kilobytes). The default value will be 16K. Sets the HTTP chunk mode for the requests. Gets the HTTP chunk mode for the requests. Sets the HTTP chunk mode for the responses. Gets the HTTP chunk mode for the responses. Sets the linear white space maximum column sizes used to support multi-line header insertion. Gets the linear white space maximum column sizes used to support multi-line header insertion. Sets the linear white space separator strings for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the linear white space separator strings for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the HTTP redirect/rewrite mode for the responses. Gets the HTTP redirect/rewrite mode for the responses. Sets the maximum header sizes for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the maximum header sizes for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the maximum number of HTTP requests allowed in the connection before it is closed automatically. Gets the maximum number of HTTP requests allowed in the connection before it is closed automatically. Sets the pipelining mode for the specified profiles. Gets the pipelining mode for the specified profiles. Sets the mode to indicate whether to insert X-Forwarded-For headers for the specified profiles. Gets the mode to indicate whether to insert X-Forwarded-For headers for the specified profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the states that specify how we handle the "Accept-Encoding:" header. If set to false, we will strip the "Accept-Encoding:" header before passing the request on to the server (so that the server doesn't also compress the response). If it is set to true, we will leave the "Accept-Encoding:" header in the request so that servers are able to do compression. We will not compress responses that have already been compressed. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the states that specify how we handle the "Accept-Encoding:" header. If set to false, we will strip the "Accept-Encoding:" header before passing the request on to the server (so that the server doesn't also compress the response). If it is set to true, we will leave the "Accept-Encoding:" header in the request so that servers are able to do compression. We will not compress responses that have already been compressed. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the compression level used by the specified HTTP profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the compression level used by the specified HTTP profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the states that specify whether to workaround browser bugs when doing compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the states that specify whether to workaround browser bugs when doing compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the states that specify whether to enable CPU saving mode when doing compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the states that specify whether to enable CPU saving mode when doing compression. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the CPU saver high threshold that basically switches to NULL compression when CPU utilization exceeds this value. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the CPU saver high threshold that basically switches to NULL compression when CPU utilization exceeds this value. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the CPU saver low threshold that basically enables full throttle on compression when CPU utilization drops below this value. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the CPU saver low threshold that basically enables full throttle on compression when CPU utilization drops below this value. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the RAM cache mode for the specified profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the RAM cache mode for the specified profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the size (MB) of the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the size (MB) of the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the maximum number of cache entries allowed in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the maximum number of cache entries allowed in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the maximum age of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the maximum age of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the minimum size requirement of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the minimum size requirement of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the maximum size requirement of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the maximum size requirement of a cached object in the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). No match may be found in any of the "exclude" fields. For example, to disable compressing requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the URI "exclude" fields: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html" This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the lists to parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of regular expressions used to match the request URI part of the client requests during caching. (see section 5.1 of RFC2616). A match must be found in at least one of the "include" fields. For example, to include requests ending in ".txt", ".htm" and ".html", one would use the following in the uri include field: "*.txt" "*.htm" "*.html". This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the list to the parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the lists of cachable document URIs that will never be evicted from the cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Adds to the lists of cachable document URIs that will never be evicted from the cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Removes from the lists of cachable document URIs that will never be evicted from the cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Resets the lists to parent defaults. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the mode to indicate whether to ignore the client cache control headers. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the mode to indicate whether to ignore the client cache control headers. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the aging rate for the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the aging rate for the RAM cache. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Sets the mode that indicates whether to insert the Age headers for the specified profiles. This method is deprecated (immediately) and should no longer be used. Gets the mode that indicates whether to insert the Age headers for the specified profiles. Sets the state that if true, enable horizontal security for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the state that if true, enable horizontal security for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the description for a set of HTTP profiles. This is an arbitrary field which can be used for any purpose. Gets the descriptions for a set of HTTP profiles. Sets the sFlow poll intervals for the specified HTTP profiles. This is the maximum interval in seconds between polling of the specified profiles. You should set the poll intervals for the profiles when you want the counters associated with these profiles to be sampled at an interval that is different than the global sFlow poll interval. Note: you will also need to set the polling type to SFLOW_GLOBAL_NO (see set_sflow_poll_interval_global). The default is 0 (zero). Gets the sFlow poll intervals for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the sFlow polling types for the specified HTTP profiles. It allows you to specify whether the global sFlow poll interval overrides the object-level poll interval for the specified profiles. The default is SFLOW_GLOBAL_YES. Gets the sFlow polling types for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the sFlow sampling rates for the specified HTTP profiles. This is the ratio of packets observed at the virtual servers to which the HTTP profile is assigned to the number of samples you want the BIG-IP system to generate. For example, a sampling rate of 2000 specifies that 1 sample will be randomly generated for every 2000 packets observed. You should set the sampling rates for the profiles when you want the traffic flowing through the virtual servers to be sampled at a rate that is different than the global sFlow sampling rate. Note: you will also need to set the sampling type to SFLOW_GLOBAL_NO (see set_sflow_sampling_rate_global). The default is 0 (zero). Gets the sFlow sampling rates for the specified HTTP profiles. Sets the sFlow sampling types for the specified HTTP profiles. It allows you to specify whether the global sFlow sampling rate overrides the object-level sampling rate for the specified profiles. The default is SFLOW_GLOBAL_YES. Gets the sFlow sampling types for the specified HTTP profiles. Resets the statistics for the specified HTTP profiles. Resets the statistics for the specified profiles, for specified virtual servers. Gets the statistics for all the HTTP profiles. Gets the statistics for the specified HTTP profiles. Note that as of v11.0, statistics related to compression and caching have been moved to the HTTP Compression and Web Acceleration profiles. Gets the statistics for the specified profiles, by virtual server. Sets the hostname appended to a Via header by the system in a request or response. Gets the hostname appended to a Via header in a request or response by this system. Sets the Via header configuration for requests to the OWS. For more information on Via header configurations see ViaHeader. Gets the Via header configuration for requests to the OWS. For more information on Via header configurations see ViaHeader. Sets the Via header configuration for responses from the OWS. For more information on Via header configurations see ViaHeader. Gets the Via header configuration for responses from the OWS. For more information on Via header configurations see ViaHeader. Sets the accept XFF (X-Forwarded-For) state for the specified HTTP profiles. If enabled - the XFF HTTP header is trusted (accepted) and forwarded. Gets the accept XFF (X-Forwarded-For) state for the specified HTTP profiles. Gets the list of XFF alternative header names that are used instead of the default X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. Adds a list of XFF alternative header names. Removes a list of XFF alternative header names. Removes all XFF alternative header names. Resets the XFF alternative header names to default. Sets the server header name sent in responses that the BIG-IP itself generates. The default value is "BigIP". If "" is set as the value, then no server header name will be added to such responses. Gets the server agent name sent in responses that the BIG-IP itself generates. Gets the version information for this interface. The ProfileHttp interface enables you to manipulate a local load balancer's HTTP profile.