module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues GIT_REPO_WAS_CLEAN_ON_START = :GIT_REPO_WAS_CLEAN_ON_START end # Raises an exception and stop the lane execution if the repo is not in a clean state class EnsureGitStatusCleanAction < Action def if params[:ignored] ignored_mode = params[:ignored] ignored_mode = 'no' if ignored_mode == 'none' repo_status ="git status --porcelain --ignored='#{ignored_mode}'") else repo_status ="git status --porcelain") end repo_clean = repo_status.empty? if repo_clean UI.success('Git status is clean, all good! 💪') Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GIT_REPO_WAS_CLEAN_ON_START] = true else error_message = "Git repository is dirty! Please ensure the repo is in a clean state by committing/stashing/discarding all changes first." error_message += "\nUncommitted changes:\n#{repo_status}" if params[:show_uncommitted_changes] if params[:show_diff] repo_diff ="git diff") error_message += "\nGit diff: \n#{repo_diff}" end UI.user_error!(error_message) end end def self.description "Raises an exception if there are uncommitted git changes" end def self.details [ "A sanity check to make sure you are working in a repo that is clean.", "Especially useful to put at the beginning of your Fastfile in the `before_all` block, if some of your other actions will touch your filesystem, do things to your git repo, or just as a general reminder to save your work.", "Also needed as a prerequisite for some other actions like `reset_git_repo`." ].join("\n") end def self.output [ ['GIT_REPO_WAS_CLEAN_ON_START', 'Stores the fact that the git repo was clean at some point'] ] end def ["lmirosevic", "antondomashnev"] end def self.example_code [ 'ensure_git_status_clean' ] end def self.available_options [ :show_uncommitted_changes, env_name: "FL_ENSURE_GIT_STATUS_CLEAN_SHOW_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES", description: "The flag whether to show uncommitted changes if the repo is dirty", optional: true, default_value: false, type: Boolean), :show_diff, env_name: "FL_ENSURE_GIT_STATUS_CLEAN_SHOW_DIFF", description: "The flag whether to show the git diff if the repo is dirty", optional: true, default_value: false, type: Boolean), :ignored, env_name: "FL_ENSURE_GIT_STATUS_CLEAN_IGNORED_FILE", description: [ "The handling mode of the ignored files. The available options are: `'traditional'`, `'none'` (default) and `'matching'`.", "Specifying `'none'` to this parameter is the same as not specifying the parameter at all, which means that no ignored file will be used to check if the repo is dirty or not.", "Specifying `'traditional'` or `'matching'` causes some ignored files to be used to check if the repo is dirty or not (more info in the official docs:" ].join(" "), optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| mode = value.to_s modes = %w(traditional none matching) UI.user_error!("Unsupported mode, must be: #{modes}") unless modes.include?(mode) end) ] end def self.category :source_control end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end