rio.Application.require("components/box"); rio.components.Console = rio.Component.create(rio.components.Box, "Console", { require: ["lib/spec", "lib/spec_runner", "lib/rio_lint", "lib/file", "prototype/sound", "components/container", "lib/console/console_mixin", "lib/console/console_commands"], attrReaders: [["promptHistory", []], "consoleLog", "prompt", "consoleHtmlWrapper"], attrAccessors: [ ["boundTo"], ["currentHistoryPoint", 0], ["halfTyped", ""], ["autospec", false], ["autocss", false] ], attrEvents: ["navigateToPlayground"], methods: { initialize: function() { this.loadFixtures(); this.setAutospec(; this.setAutocss(; this._promptHistory = (rio.Cookie.get("promptHistory") || "").split("\n"); }, buildHtml: function() { this._consoleLog = rio.Tag.div("", { className: "log" }); this._consoleLog.observe("click", this.focus.bind(this)); this._prompt = rio.Tag.input("", { className: "prompt" }); var promptBox = rio.Tag.div([ rio.Tag.span(">>>", { className: "promptArrows" }), this.getPrompt() ], { style: "position: relative;" }); this.getPrompt().observe("keypress", function(e) { if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) { this.executePrompt(); e.stop(); } }.bindAsEventListener(this)); this.getPrompt().observe("keydown", function(e) { if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_UP || e.keyCode == 38) { this.selectPreviousHistoryItem(); e.stop(); } if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_DOWN || e.keyCode == 40) { this.selectNextHistoryItem(); e.stop(); } }.bindAsEventListener(this)); var center = new rio.components.Container({ region: "center", items: [this._consoleLog] }); var south = new rio.components.Container({ region: "south", items: [promptBox], overflow: "hidden" }); return new rio.components.Container({ layout: true, items: [center, south], height: "100%", width: "100%" }).html(); }, focus: function() { this.getPrompt().setFocus(true); }, log: function(msg, className, prefix) { prefix = (prefix === undefined) ? ">> " : prefix; var logItem = rio.Tag.div(rio.Tag.pre([prefix, (msg == undefined ? "" : msg).toString()]), { className: className || "logItem" }); this.getConsoleLog().insert(logItem); this.getConsoleLog().scrollTop = this.getConsoleLog().scrollHeight - this.getConsoleLog().getHeight() + 50; }, logHtml: function(msg, className) { var logItem = rio.Tag.div(msg, { className: className || "logItem" }); this.getConsoleLog().insert(logItem); this.getConsoleLog().scrollTop = this.getConsoleLog().scrollHeight - this.getConsoleLog().getHeight() + 50; }, skipAutotest: [ "/lib/console/components/console.js", /* "/lib/spec.js", Not sure why this used to be skipped */ "/lib/boot.js" ], skipAutoload: [ "/lib/boot.js" ], touch: function(files) { files.each(function(file) { if (file.endsWith(".js") && !file.match(/\/specs\//) && !this.skipAutoload.include(file)) { if (\/?(.*)\.js/)[1])) {"/javascripts" + file, { asynchronous: false }); } if (rio.boot.loadedFiles.include(file.match(/\/?(.*)\.js/)[1])) { rio.File.execute("/javascripts" + file, { asynchronous: false }); //; } } }.bind(this)); if (this.getAutocss()) { { return f.strip().toLowerCase().match(/.css$/); }).each(function(f) { var css = "/stylesheets" + f.strip().toLowerCase(); var found = false; opener.window.$$("link").each(function(l) { if (l.href.include("/rio/stylesheets?")) { // l.href += "&" + Math.random(); // Don't do anything here, it's way too slow } else { var root = opener.window.location.protocol + "//" +; var link = l.href.strip().toLowerCase(); var compare = link.startsWith(root) ? root + css : css; if (link == compare || link.startsWith(compare + "?")) { l.href = compare + "?" + Math.random(); found = true; } } }); // If we can't find the stylesheet but it's loaded, just reload all stylesheets if (!found &&\/stylesheets\/(.*)\.css/)[1])) { { opener.Element.head().insert({ bottom:"", { href: "/stylesheets/" + s + ".css?" + Math.random(), media: "screen", rel: "stylesheet", type: "text/css" }) }); }); } }); } if (this.getAutospec()) { var filesToTest = { return f.strip().toLowerCase().match(/.jst?$/) && !this.skipAutotest.include(f); }.bind(this)).map(function(f) { var m; if (m = f.match(/\/?(.*).jst/)) { var allTemplatesList =; var index = allTemplatesList.indexOf(m[1]); if (index >= 0) { allTemplatesList.splice(index, 1); } var page =[m[1].split("/").last().classize()]; page._templateApplied = false; page.applyTemplate(); } if (f.strip().toLowerCase().startsWith("/specs/fixtures/")) { return f.strip().toLowerCase().match(/^\/specs\/fixtures\/(.*)\.js$/)[1]; } else if (f.strip().toLowerCase().startsWith("/specs/")) { return f.strip().toLowerCase().match(/^\/specs\/(.*)_spec\.js$/)[1]; } else { return f.strip().toLowerCase().match(/^\/?(.*).jst?$/)[1]; } }).uniq(); filesToTest.each(function(f) { this.runSpecs(f); }.bind(this)); } }, focus: function() { this.getPrompt().focus(); }, consoleCommandFor: function(command) { if (rio.ConsoleCommands[command]) { return rio.ConsoleCommands[command]; } return Object.values(rio.ConsoleCommands).detect(function(c) { return c.alias && c.alias.include(command); }); }, _lastResults: null, executePrompt: function() { var prompt = this.getPrompt().value; if (prompt.blank()) { return; } this.setCurrentHistoryPoint(0); this.setHalfTyped(""); this.getPromptHistory().push(prompt); rio.Cookie.set("promptHistory", rio.Cookie.get("promptHistory") + "\n" + prompt); this.getPrompt().clear(); var pathMatch; var command = prompt.split(" ")[0].strip(); var consoleCommand = this.consoleCommandFor(command); if (consoleCommand) { try { consoleCommand.action.bind(this, prompt)(); } catch(er) { this.log(er, "errorLogItem", "> "); } return; } this.log(prompt, "userLogItem", ">>> "); try { var mixin = {}; Object.keys(rio.ConsoleMixin).each(function(key) { mixin[key] = rio.ConsoleMixin[key].bind(this)(); }.bind(this)); var results; with(mixin) { if (this.getBoundTo()) { results = opener.eval("(function() { return eval(\"" + prompt.gsub("\"", "\\\"") + "\"); }.bind("); } else { results = opener.eval(prompt); } } this._lastResults = results; this.log(results, "userLogItem", ""); } catch(e) { this.log(e, "errorLogItem", "> "); } }, runSpecs: function(spec) { try { var startTime = new Date(); var context = { examples: 0, failures: 0, pendings: 0 }; var stdout = function(msg, className) { this.log(msg, className, " "); }.bind(this); var summarizer = function() {"/sounds/" + (context.failures > 0 ? "basso" : "purr") + ".wav")); var msg = context.examples + " " + rio.Utils.pluralize(context.examples, "example", "examples") + ", " + context.failures + " " + rio.Utils.pluralize(context.failures, "failure", "failures"); if (context.pendings > 0) { msg = msg + ", " + context.pendings + " pending"; } var logClass = context.failures > 0 ? "summaryFailed" : (context.pendings > 0 ? "summaryPending" : "summaryPassed"); var time = (new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime()) / 1000.0; this.log("Completed in " + time + " seconds", "", ""); this.log(msg, logClass, "=> "); }.bind(this); if (!spec) { rio.SpecRunner.runAll({ stdout: stdout, env: opener, context: context, syntaxChecker: this.checkSyntax.bind(this), onComplete: summarizer }); } else {{ path: spec, stdout: stdout, env: opener, context: context, syntaxChecker: this.checkSyntax.bind(this), onComplete: summarizer }); } } catch(e) { this.log(e, "errorLogItem", "> "); } }, selectPreviousHistoryItem: function() { if (this.getPromptHistory().size() == this.getCurrentHistoryPoint()) {return;} if (this.getCurrentHistoryPoint() == 0) { this.setHalfTyped(this.getPrompt().value); } this.setCurrentHistoryPoint(this.getCurrentHistoryPoint() + 1); this.getPrompt().value = this.getPromptHistory()[this.getPromptHistory().size() - this.getCurrentHistoryPoint()]; }, selectNextHistoryItem: function() { if (0 == this.getCurrentHistoryPoint()) {return;} this.setCurrentHistoryPoint(this.getCurrentHistoryPoint() - 1); if (this.getCurrentHistoryPoint() == 0) { this.getPrompt().value = this.getHalfTyped(); } else { this.getPrompt().value = this.getPromptHistory()[this.getPromptHistory().size() - this.getCurrentHistoryPoint()]; } }, checkRioSyntax: function() { var filesToIgnore = [ "lib/swfobject" ];"../", { onSuccess: function(content) { var rioFiles = content.split("\n").map(function(file) { return file.strip(); }).reject(function(file) { return file.blank() || filesToIgnore.include(file); }); this.checkFilesSyntax(rioFiles); }.bind(this) }); }, checkProgramSyntax: function() { this.checkFilesSyntax(; }, checkFilesSyntax: function(files) { this.checkFileSyntax(files.first(), { onComplete: function() { if (files.size() > 1) { this.checkFilesSyntax(files.without(files.first())); } }.bind(this) }); }, checkFileSyntax: function(file, options) { var onComplete = (options || {}).onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction; rio.RioLint.checkFileSyntax(file, { onComplete: function(errors) { this.logLintErrors(errors, file); onComplete(); }.bind(this) }); }, checkSyntax: function(content, fileName) { var errors = rio.RioLint.checkSyntax(content, fileName); this.logLintErrors(errors, fileName); }, logLintErrors: function(errors, fileName) { if (errors.empty()) { this.log("Syntax valid: " + fileName, "passed"); } else { errors.each(function(e) { this.log(e, "warningLogItem", "- "); }.bind(this)); } }, loadFixtures: function() { rio.SpecRunner.loadFixtures({ env: opener }); } } });