require 'ec2-host' require 'optparse' class EC2 class Host class CLI attr_reader :options def initialize(argv = ARGV) @options = parse_options(argv) end def parse_options(argv = ARGV) op = self.class.module_eval do define_method(:usage) do |msg = nil| puts op.to_s puts "error: #{msg}" if msg exit 1 end end opts = {} op.on('--hostname one,two,three', Array, "name or private_dns_name") {|v| opts[:hostname] = v } op.on('-r', '--role one,two,three', Array, "role") {|v| opts[:role] = v } op.on('--r1', '--role1 one,two,three', Array, "role1, the 1st part of role delimited by #{Config.role_tag_delimiter}") {|v| opts[:role1] = v } op.on('--r2', '--role2 one,two,three', Array, "role2, the 2st part of role delimited by #{Config.role_tag_delimiter}") {|v| opts[:role2] = v } op.on('--r3', '--role3 one,two,three', Array, "role3, the 3st part of role delimited by #{Config.role_tag_delimiter}") {|v| opts[:role3] = v } op.on('--instance-id one,two,three', Array, "instance_id") {|v| opts[:instance_id] = v } op.on('--state one,two,three', Array, "state") {|v| opts[:state] = v } op.on('--monitoring one,two,three', Array, "monitoring") {|v| opts[:monitoring] = v } Config.optional_options.each do |opt, tag| op.on("--#{opt.to_s.gsub('_', '-')} one,two,three", Array, opt) {|v| opts[opt.to_sym] = v } end op.on('--private-ip', '--ip', "show private ip address instead of hostname") {|v| opts[:private_ip] = v } op.on('--public-ip', "show public ip address instead of hostname") {|v| opts[:public_ip] = v } op.on('-i', '--info', "show host info") {|v| opts[:info] = v } op.on('-j', '--jsonl', "show host info in line delimited json") {|v| opts[:jsonl] = v } op.on('--json', "show host info in json") {|v| opts[:json] = v } op.on('--pretty-json', "show host info in pretty json") {|v| opts[:pretty_json] = v } op.on('--debug', "debug mode") {|v| opts[:debug] = v } op.on('-h', '--help', "show help") {|v| opts[:help] = v } begin args = op.parse(argv) rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e usage e.message end if opts[:help] usage end opts end def run hosts = if options[:info] hosts.each do |host| $stdout.puts end elsif options[:jsonl] hosts.each do |host| $stdout.puts host.to_hash.to_json end elsif options[:json] $stdout.puts elsif options[:pretty_json] $stdout.puts JSON.pretty_generate( elsif options[:private_ip] hosts.each do |host| $stdout.puts host.private_ip_address end elsif options[:public_ip] hosts.each do |host| $stdout.puts host.public_ip_address end else hosts.each do |host| $stdout.puts host.hostname end end end private def condition return @condition if @condition _condition = HashUtil.except(options, :info, :jsonl, :json, :pretty_json, :debug, :private_ip, :public_ip) @condition = {} _condition.each do |key, val| if tag = Config.optional_options[key.to_s] field = StringUtil.underscore(tag) @condition[field.to_sym] = val else @condition[key.to_sym] = val end end if options[:debug] $stderr.puts(options: options) $stderr.puts(condition: @condition) end @condition end end end end