module RokuBuilder MISSING_DEVICES = 1 MISSING_DEVICES_DEFAULT = 2 DEVICE_DEFAULT_BAD = 3 MISSING_PROJECTS = 4 MISSING_PROJECTS_DEFAULT = 5 PROJECTS_DEFAULT_BAD = 6 DEVICE_MISSING_IP = 7 DEVICE_MISSING_USER = 8 DEVICE_MISSING_PASSWORD = 9 PROJECT_MISSING_APP_NAME = 10 PROJECT_MISSING_DIRECTORY = 11 PROJECT_MISSING_FOLDERS = 12 PROJECT_FOLDERS_BAD = 13 PROJECT_MISSING_FILES = 14 PROJECT_FILES_BAD = 15 STAGE_MISSING_BRANCH = 16 # Load and validate config files. class ConfigManager # Loads the roku config from file # @param config [String] path for the roku config # @return [Hash] roku config object def self.get_config(config:, logger:) begin config = JSON.parse(, {symbolize_names: true}) config[:devices][:default] = config[:devices][:default].to_sym config[:projects][:default] = config[:projects][:default].to_sym config rescue JSON::ParserError logger.fatal "Config file is not valid JSON" nil end end # Validates the roku config # @param config [Hash] roku config object # @return [Array] error codes for valid config (see self.error_codes) def self.validate_config(config:, logger:) codes = [] codes.push(MISSING_DEVICES) if not config[:devices] codes.push(MISSING_DEVICES_DEFAULT) if config[:devices] and not config[:devices][:default] codes.push(DEVICE_DEFAULT_BAD) if config[:devices] and config[:devices][:default] and not config[:devices][:default].is_a?(Symbol) codes.push(MISSING_PROJECTS) if not config[:projects] codes.push(MISSING_PROJECTS_DEFAULT) if config[:projects] and not config[:projects][:default] codes.push(MISSING_PROJECTS_DEFAULT) if config[:projects] and config[:projects][:default] == "".to_sym codes.push(PROJECTS_DEFAULT_BAD) if config[:projects] and config[:projects][:default] and not config[:projects][:default].is_a?(Symbol) if config[:devices] config[:devices].each {|k,v| next if k == :default codes.push(DEVICE_MISSING_IP) if not v[:ip] codes.push(DEVICE_MISSING_IP) if v[:ip] == "" codes.push(DEVICE_MISSING_IP) if v[:ip] == "" codes.push(DEVICE_MISSING_USER) if not v[:user] codes.push(DEVICE_MISSING_USER) if v[:user] == "" codes.push(DEVICE_MISSING_USER) if v[:user] == "" codes.push(DEVICE_MISSING_PASSWORD) if not v[:password] codes.push(DEVICE_MISSING_PASSWORD) if v[:password] == "" codes.push(DEVICE_MISSING_PASSWORD) if v[:password] == "" } end if config[:projects] config[:projects].each {|k,v| next if k == :default codes.push(PROJECT_MISSING_APP_NAME) if not v[:app_name] codes.push(PROJECT_MISSING_DIRECTORY) if not v[:directory] codes.push(PROJECT_MISSING_FOLDERS) if not v[:folders] codes.push(PROJECT_FOLDERS_BAD) if v[:folders] and not v[:folders].is_a?(Array) codes.push(PROJECT_MISSING_FILES) if not v[:files] codes.push(PROJECT_FILES_BAD) if v[:files] and not v[:files].is_a?(Array) v[:stages].each {|k,v| codes.push(STAGE_MISSING_BRANCH) if not v[:branch] } } end codes.push(0) if codes.empty? codes end # Error code messages for config validation # @return [Array] error code messages def self.error_codes() [ #===============FATAL ERRORS===============# "Valid Config.", "Devices config is missing.", "Devices default is missing.", "Devices default is not a hash.", "Projects config is missing.", "Projects default is missing.", #5 "Projects default is not a hash.", "A device config is missing its IP address.", "A device config is missing its username.", "A device config is missing its password.", "A project config is missing its app_name.", #10 "A project config is missing its directorty.", "A project config is missing its folders.", "A project config's folders is not an array.", "A project config is missing its files.", "A project config's files is not an array.", #15 "A project stage is missing its branch." #===============WARNINGS===============# ] end # Edit the roku config # @param config [String] path for the roku config # @param options [String] options to set in the config # @param device [String] which device to use # @param project [String] which project to use # @param stage[String] which stage to use # @return [Boolean] success def self.edit_config(config:, options:, device:, project:, stage:, logger:) config_object = get_config(config: config, logger: logger) return false unless config_object unless project project = config_object[:projects][:default] else project = project.to_sym end unless device device = config_object[:devices][:default] else device = device.to_sym end unless stage stage = :production else stage = stage.to_sym end changes = {} opts = options.split(/,\s*/) opts.each do |opt| opt = opt.split(":") key = opt.shift.to_sym value = opt.join(":") changes[key] = value end changes.each {|key,value| if [:ip, :user, :password].include?(key) config_object[:devices][device][key] = value elsif [:directory, :app_name].include?(key) #:folders, :files config_object[:projects][project][key] = value elsif [:branch] config_object[:projects][project][:stages][stage][key] = value end } config_string = JSON.pretty_generate(config_object) file =, "w") file.write(config_string) file.close return true end end end