def try_require(s) ; begin ; require s ; rescue LoadError ; end ; end try_require 'rubygems' try_require 'bluecloth' try_require 'rubypants' require 'erubis' require 'fileutils' require 'yaml' class Array # Ensures that the array contains only one element def ensure_single(a_noun, a_context) if self.size != 1 $stderr.puts "ERROR: expected 1 #{a_noun}, found #{self.size} (#{a_context})" unless $quiet == true exit end end end module YAML # Returns the contents of an entire file interpreted as YAML and cleaned def self.load_file_and_clean(a_filename) (YAML.load_file(a_filename) || {}).clean end end class Hash # Converts all keys to symbols, and converts *_at and *_on # keys to Times and Dates, respectively def clean inject({}) do |hash, (key, value)| if key =~ /_on$/ hash[key.to_sym] = Date.parse(value) elsif key =~ /_at$/ hash[key.to_sym] = Time.parse(value) elsif value == 'true' hash[key.to_sym] = true elsif value == 'false' hash[key.to_sym] = false elsif value == 'none' hash[key.to_sym] = nil else hash[key.to_sym] = value end hash end end end class String # Runs the string through the filters as given by the array of # filter names. Available filters include 'markdown', 'smartypants' and 'eruby'. def filter(a_filters, a_params={}) a_filters.inject(self) do |result, filter| case filter when 'markdown' result.replace(result.markdown) when 'smartypants' result.replace(result.smartypants) when 'eruby' result.replace(result.eruby(a_params[:eruby_context])) end end end # Converts the string to HTML using Markdown. def markdown BlueCloth::new(self).to_html rescue NameError $stderr.puts 'ERROR: String#markdown failed: BlueCloth not installed' unless $quiet == true exit end # Styles the string as HTML by converting quotes, dashes, ... using RubyPants def smartypants RubyPants::new(self).to_html rescue NameError $stderr.puts 'ERROR: String#smartypants failed: RubyPants not installed' unless $quiet == true exit end # Converts the string using eRuby. def eruby(a_context={}) end end class FileManager @@stack = [] def self.create_dir(a_name) @@stack.push(a_name) path = File.join(@@stack) unless FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) log('create', path) end yield if block_given? @@stack.pop end def self.create_file(a_name) path = File.join(@@stack + [ a_name ]) FileManager.create_dir(path.sub(/\/[^\/]+$/, '')) if @@stack.empty? content = block_given? ? yield : nil File.exist?(path) ? ( block_given? and == content ? log('identical', path) : log('update', path) ) : log('create', path) open(path, 'w') { |io| io.write(content) unless content.nil? } end end COLORS = { :reset => "\e[0m", :bold => "\e[1m", :black => "\e[30m", :red => "\e[31m", :green => "\e[32m", :yellow => "\e[33m", :blue => "\e[34m", :magenta => "\e[35m", :cyan => "\e[36m", :white => "\e[37m" } ACTION_COLORS = { :create => COLORS[:bold] + COLORS[:green], :update => COLORS[:bold] + COLORS[:yellow], :identical => COLORS[:bold] } def log(a_action, a_path) puts format('%s%12s%s %s', ACTION_COLORS[a_action.to_sym], a_action, COLORS[:reset], a_path) unless $quiet == true end def render(a_name, a_context={})'layouts/' + a_name + '.erb').eruby(a_context.merge({ :page => @page, :pages => @pages })) end