3.0 inject_osm_geometry_into_an_external_idf 633cd1c5-5b55-4b50-ab20-cf2d2f7ddff8 bc540eee-3afa-4426-8c79-19faed65631d 20230602T160042Z 3BE1CF9C InjectOsmGeometryIntoAnExternalIdf InjectOsmGeometryIntoAnExternalIdf The goal here is to let people bring an IDF into OpenStudio to add or alter geometry. Then to inject only the geometry back into a copy of the source IDF file, which has never been brought into OpenStudio. This can make newer OpenStudio features accessible to anyone to someone who is still using an IDF file for their core workflow instead of an OSM. This could grow into a replacement of the legacy plugin. If a zone exists in OSM generated IDF and original IDF then all surfaces in old will be removed and ones from OSM will be added. If a zone exists in OSM generated IDF but does not exist in IDF then that zone will be added to the IDF. If a zone does not exist in the OSM but does exist in the original IDF then that zone will be deleted from the IDF. In these last two scenarios a warning should be issued. Site, building and zone shading surfaces should are included in this. Constructions and other resources won?t be moved back and forth but the surface should carry the assignments if they are not new constructions. source_idf_path External IDF File Name Name of the IDF file to inject OSM geometry into. This is the filename with the extension (e.g. MyModel.idf). Optionally this can inclucde the full file path, but for most use cases should just be file name. String true false merge_geometry_from_osm Merge Geometry From OpenStudio Model into Source IDF File? If set to false the entire external IDF will replace the initial IDF generated from the OSM file. Boolean true false true true true false false Envelope.Form Measure Type EnergyPlusMeasure string Uses SketchUp API false boolean 4ZoneWithShading_Simple_1.idf idf test 74BD2E40 4ZoneWithShading_Simple_1_AlteredGeo.osm osm test 1A51EFB6 RefBldgMediumOfficeNew2004_Chicago.idf idf test 648B2179 RefBldgMediumOfficeNew2004_Chicago_AlteredGeo.osm osm test D2B1A458 RefBldgMediumOfficeNew2004_Chicago_AlteredGeo_b.osm osm test 10D18F37 B10_Crawlspace_1Story_50_RibbonWindows.idf idf test 8E9EDFE4 B10_Crawlspace_1Story_50_RibbonWindows_altered.osm osm test 56ED3E65 measure_test.osw osw test F5FABCCF README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 README.md md readme 6FF2AF68 4ZoneWithShading_Simple_1_AlteredGeo/run.db db test D307F08F RefBldgMediumOfficeNew2004_Chicago_AlteredGeo/run.db db test 1387DFF3 RefBldgMediumOfficeNew2004_Chicago_AlteredGeo_b/run.db db test BF7FFB65 LICENSE.md md license BFFB1AA6 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script 5D2EA59F InjectOsmGeometryIntoAnExternalIdf_Test.rb rb test F8370804