require './lib/flatulent' puts <<-html

The latest version (0.0.3) of the flatulent gem (gem install flatulent) has introduced a host of fine features. From the README:

    - following are now all equivalent when posting (thanks botp)
        0==o==O==Q (zero, oh's, and queue)
        l==l       (one and el)
        2==z==Z    (two and z's)
        5==s==S    (5 and s's)

    - random horizontal and vertical displacement of each char

    - vastly improved background noise based on figlet char shapes

    - inputs are case sensitive (thanks john joyce, chris carter)

    - expanded rails examples

Get flatulent at or

You can see flatulent ajax at

Finally, here are a few shots of the latest output:

html puts '
' puts Flatulent.element('FOO') puts '

' puts Flatulent.element('BAR') puts '

' puts Flatulent.element('ABC') puts '

' puts Flatulent.element('123') puts '
' puts <<-html html