require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe "Lookup" do before(:all) do Lookup.update! end def find_api(name) Lookup::Api.find_by_name(name) end def find_constant(api, name) find_api(api).constants.find_by_name(name) end def find_entry(api, constant, name) find_constant(api, constant).entries.find_all_by_name(name) end def search(term, options={}), options) end it "should be able to find a method in Ruby 1.9" do search("1.9 shuffle").should eql(find_entry("Ruby 1.9", "Array", "shuffle")) end it "should be able to lookup for Ruby 1.9 only" do search("1.9 Array#flatten").should eql(find_entry("Ruby 1.9", "Array", "flatten")) end it "should lookup for 1.8" do search("1.8 Array#flatten").should eql(find_entry("Ruby 1.8", "Array", "flatten")) end it "should lookup for the current version of Ruby" do case RUBY_VERSION when /^1.8/ search("Array#flatten").should eql(find_entry("Ruby 1.8", "Array", "flatten")) when /^1.9/ search("Array#flatten").should eql(find_entry("Ruby 1.9", "Array", "flatten")) end end it "should be able to find a constant" do search("v2.3.8 ActiveRecord::Base").should eql([find_constant("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveRecord::Base")]) end it "should be able to find a short constant" do search("v2.3.8 ar::Base").should eql([find_constant("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveRecord::Base")]) end it "should be able to find a constant and a method (using hash symbol)" do search("v2.3.8 ActiveRecord::Base#new").should eql(find_entry("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveRecord::Base", "new")) end it "should be able to find a constant and a method (using spaces)" do search("v2.3.8 ActiveRecord::Base new").should eql(find_entry("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveRecord::Base", "new")) end it "should be able to find a constant and a method (specified wildcard)" do search("v2.3.8 ActiveRecord::Base#n*w").should eql(find_entry("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveRecord::Base", "new")) end it "should be able to find a constant and some methods (fuzzy)" do search("v2.3.8 ActiveRecord::Base#nw").should eql([find_entry("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveRecord::Base", "new"), find_entry("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveRecord::Base", "new_record?")].flatten) end it "should be able to find the constant and method by code examples" do search("v2.3.8 ActiveRecord::Base.destroy").should eql(find_entry("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveRecord::Base", "destroy")) end it "should be able to search on shortened constants" do search("v2.3.8 ar::base#new").should eql(find_entry("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveRecord::Base", "new")) end it "Should be able to find a Rails 3 constant" do search("v3.0.0 Rails::Engine").should eql([find_constant("Rails v3.0.0", "Rails::Engine")]) end it "should be able to find it if a hash-symbol is specified" do # sort_by used here because once it returned it out of order. # Ensure order."v2.3.8 #today?").should eql([ find_entry("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Date::Calculations", "today?"), find_entry("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone", "today?"), find_entry("Rails v2.3.8", "ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Calculations", "today?") ].flatten!.sort_by(&:id)) end end