require 'spec_helper' describe "should be_predicate" do it "passes when actual returns true for :predicate?" do actual = stub("actual", :happy? => true) actual.should be_happy end it "passes when actual returns true for :predicates? (present tense)" do actual = stub("actual", :exists? => true, :exist? => true) actual.should be_exist end it "fails when actual returns false for :predicate?" do actual = stub("actual", :happy? => false) lambda { actual.should be_happy }.should fail_with("expected happy? to return true, got false") end it "fails when actual returns false for :predicate?" do actual = stub("actual", :happy? => nil) lambda { actual.should be_happy }.should fail_with("expected happy? to return true, got nil") end it "fails when actual does not respond to :predicate?" do lambda { be_happy }.should raise_error(NameError, /happy\?/) end it "fails on error other than NameError" do actual = stub("actual") actual.should_receive(:foo?).and_raise("aaaah") lambda { actual.should be_foo }.should raise_error(/aaaah/) end it "fails on error other than NameError (with the present tense predicate)" do actual = actual.should_receive(:foos?).and_raise("aaaah") lambda { actual.should be_foo }.should raise_error(/aaaah/) end end describe "should_not be_predicate" do it "passes when actual returns false for :sym?" do actual = stub("actual", :happy? => false) actual.should_not be_happy end it "passes when actual returns nil for :sym?" do actual = stub("actual", :happy? => nil) actual.should_not be_happy end it "fails when actual returns true for :sym?" do actual = stub("actual", :happy? => true) lambda { actual.should_not be_happy }.should fail_with("expected happy? to return false, got true") end it "fails when actual does not respond to :sym?" do lambda { be_happy }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "should be_predicate(*args)" do it "passes when actual returns true for :predicate?(*args)" do actual = mock("actual") actual.should_receive(:older_than?).with(3).and_return(true) actual.should be_older_than(3) end it "fails when actual returns false for :predicate?(*args)" do actual = mock("actual") actual.should_receive(:older_than?).with(3).and_return(false) lambda { actual.should be_older_than(3) }.should fail_with("expected older_than?(3) to return true, got false") end it "fails when actual does not respond to :predicate?" do lambda { be_older_than(3) }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "should_not be_predicate(*args)" do it "passes when actual returns false for :predicate?(*args)" do actual = mock("actual") actual.should_receive(:older_than?).with(3).and_return(false) actual.should_not be_older_than(3) end it "fails when actual returns true for :predicate?(*args)" do actual = mock("actual") actual.should_receive(:older_than?).with(3).and_return(true) lambda { actual.should_not be_older_than(3) }.should fail_with("expected older_than?(3) to return false, got true") end it "fails when actual does not respond to :predicate?" do lambda { be_older_than(3) }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "should be_predicate(&block)" do it "passes when actual returns true for :predicate?(&block)" do actual = mock("actual") delegate = mock("delegate") actual.should_receive(:happy?).and_yield delegate.should_receive(:check_happy).and_return(true) actual.should be_happy { delegate.check_happy } end it "fails when actual returns false for :predicate?(&block)" do actual = mock("actual") delegate = mock("delegate") actual.should_receive(:happy?).and_yield delegate.should_receive(:check_happy).and_return(false) lambda { actual.should be_happy { delegate.check_happy } }.should fail_with("expected happy? to return true, got false") end it "fails when actual does not respond to :predicate?" do delegate = mock("delegate", :check_happy => true) lambda { be_happy { delegate.check_happy } }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "should_not be_predicate(&block)" do it "passes when actual returns false for :predicate?(&block)" do actual = mock("actual") delegate = mock("delegate") actual.should_receive(:happy?).and_yield delegate.should_receive(:check_happy).and_return(false) actual.should_not be_happy { delegate.check_happy } end it "fails when actual returns true for :predicate?(&block)" do actual = mock("actual") delegate = mock("delegate") actual.should_receive(:happy?).and_yield delegate.should_receive(:check_happy).and_return(true) lambda { actual.should_not be_happy { delegate.check_happy } }.should fail_with("expected happy? to return false, got true") end it "fails when actual does not respond to :predicate?" do delegate = mock("delegate", :check_happy => true) lambda { be_happy { delegate.check_happy } }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "should be_predicate(*args, &block)" do it "passes when actual returns true for :predicate?(*args, &block)" do actual = mock("actual") delegate = mock("delegate") actual.should_receive(:older_than?).with(3).and_yield(3) delegate.should_receive(:check_older_than).with(3).and_return(true) actual.should be_older_than(3) { |age| delegate.check_older_than(age) } end it "fails when actual returns false for :predicate?(*args, &block)" do actual = mock("actual") delegate = mock("delegate") actual.should_receive(:older_than?).with(3).and_yield(3) delegate.should_receive(:check_older_than).with(3).and_return(false) lambda { actual.should be_older_than(3) { |age| delegate.check_older_than(age) } }.should fail_with("expected older_than?(3) to return true, got false") end it "fails when actual does not respond to :predicate?" do delegate = mock("delegate", :check_older_than => true) lambda { be_older_than(3) { |age| delegate.check_older_than(age) } }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "should_not be_predicate(*args, &block)" do it "passes when actual returns false for :predicate?(*args, &block)" do actual = mock("actual") delegate = mock("delegate") actual.should_receive(:older_than?).with(3).and_yield(3) delegate.should_receive(:check_older_than).with(3).and_return(false) actual.should_not be_older_than(3) { |age| delegate.check_older_than(age) } end it "fails when actual returns true for :predicate?(*args, &block)" do actual = mock("actual") delegate = mock("delegate") actual.should_receive(:older_than?).with(3).and_yield(3) delegate.should_receive(:check_older_than).with(3).and_return(true) lambda { actual.should_not be_older_than(3) { |age| delegate.check_older_than(age) } }.should fail_with("expected older_than?(3) to return false, got true") end it "fails when actual does not respond to :predicate?" do delegate = mock("delegate", :check_older_than => true) lambda { be_older_than(3) { |age| delegate.check_older_than(age) } }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "should be_true" do it "passes when actual equal?(true)" do true.should be_true end it "passes when actual is 1" do 1.should be_true end it "fails when actual equal?(false)" do lambda { false.should be_true }.should fail_with("expected: true value\n got: false") end end describe "should be_false" do it "passes when actual equal?(false)" do false.should be_false end it "passes when actual equal?(nil)" do nil.should be_false end it "fails when actual equal?(true)" do lambda { true.should be_false }.should fail_with("expected: false value\n got: true") end end describe "should be_nil" do it "passes when actual is nil" do nil.should be_nil end it "fails when actual is not nil" do lambda { :not_nil.should be_nil }.should fail_with(/^expected: nil/) end end describe "should_not be_nil" do it "passes when actual is not nil" do :not_nil.should_not be_nil end it "fails when actual is nil" do lambda { nil.should_not be_nil }.should fail_with(/^expected: not nil/) end end describe "should be <" do it "passes when < operator returns true" do 3.should be < 4 end it "fails when < operator returns false" do lambda { 3.should be < 3 }.should fail_with("expected: < 3\n got: 3") end it "describes itself" do be.<(4).description.should == "be < 4" end end describe "should be <=" do it "passes when <= operator returns true" do 3.should be <= 4 4.should be <= 4 end it "fails when <= operator returns false" do lambda { 3.should be <= 2 }.should fail_with("expected: <= 2\n got: 3") end end describe "should be >=" do it "passes when >= operator returns true" do 4.should be >= 4 5.should be >= 4 end it "fails when >= operator returns false" do lambda { 3.should be >= 4 }.should fail_with("expected: >= 4\n got: 3") end end describe "should be >" do it "passes when > operator returns true" do 5.should be > 4 end it "fails when > operator returns false" do lambda { 3.should be > 4 }.should fail_with("expected: > 4\n got: 3") end end describe "should be ==" do it "passes when == operator returns true" do 5.should be == 5 end it "fails when == operator returns false" do lambda { 3.should be == 4 }.should fail_with("expected: == 4\n got: 3") end end describe "should be ===" do it "passes when === operator returns true" do Hash.should be === end it "fails when === operator returns false" do lambda { Hash.should be === "not a hash" }.should fail_with(%[expected: === "not a hash"\n got: Hash]) end end describe "should_not with operators" do it "coaches user to stop using operators with should_not" do lambda { 5.should_not be < 6 }.should raise_error(/not only FAILED,\nit is a bit confusing./m) end end describe "should be" do it "passes if actual is truthy" do true.should be 1.should be end it "fails if actual is false" do lambda {false.should be}.should fail_with("expected false to evaluate to true") end it "fails if actual is nil" do lambda {nil.should be}.should fail_with("expected nil to evaluate to true") end it "describes itself" do be.description.should == "be" end end describe "should_not be" do it "passes if actual is falsy" do false.should_not be nil.should_not be end it "fails on true" do lambda {true.should_not be}.should fail_with("expected true to evaluate to false") end end describe "should be(value)" do it "delegates to equal" do self.should_receive(:equal).with(5) 5.should be(5) end end describe "should_not be(value)" do it "delegates to equal" do self.should_receive(:equal).with(4) 5.should_not be(4) end end describe "'should be' with operator" do it "includes 'be' in the description" do (be > 6).description.should =~ /be > 6/ (be >= 6).description.should =~ /be >= 6/ (be <= 6).description.should =~ /be <= 6/ (be < 6).description.should =~ /be < 6/ end end describe "arbitrary predicate with DelegateClass" do it "accesses methods defined in the delegating class (LH[#48])" do require 'delegate' class ArrayDelegate < DelegateClass(Array) def initialize(array) @internal_array = array super(@internal_array) end def large? @internal_array.size >= 5 end end delegate =[1,2,3,4,5,6]) delegate.should be_large end end describe "be_a, be_an" do it "passes when class matches" do "foobar".should be_a(String) [1,2,3].should be_an(Array) end it "fails when class does not match" do "foobar".should_not be_a(Hash) [1,2,3].should_not be_an(Integer) end end describe "be_an_instance_of" do it "passes when direct class matches" do 5.should be_an_instance_of(Fixnum) end it "fails when class is higher up hierarchy" do 5.should_not be_an_instance_of(Numeric) end end