# frozen_string_literal: true module Spree # Tracks the state of line items' fulfillment. # class InventoryUnit < Spree::Base PRE_SHIPMENT_STATES = %w(backordered on_hand) POST_SHIPMENT_STATES = %w(returned) CANCELABLE_STATES = ['on_hand', 'backordered', 'shipped'] belongs_to :variant, -> { with_discarded }, class_name: "Spree::Variant", inverse_of: :inventory_units, optional: true belongs_to :shipment, class_name: "Spree::Shipment", touch: true, inverse_of: :inventory_units, optional: true belongs_to :carton, class_name: "Spree::Carton", inverse_of: :inventory_units, optional: true belongs_to :line_item, class_name: "Spree::LineItem", inverse_of: :inventory_units, optional: true has_many :return_items, inverse_of: :inventory_unit, dependent: :destroy has_one :original_return_item, class_name: "Spree::ReturnItem", foreign_key: :exchange_inventory_unit_id, dependent: :destroy has_one :unit_cancel, class_name: "Spree::UnitCancel" has_one :order, through: :shipment delegate :order_id, to: :shipment def order=(_) raise "The order association has been removed from InventoryUnit. The order is now determined from the shipment." end validates_presence_of :shipment, :line_item, :variant before_destroy :ensure_can_destroy scope :pending, -> { where pending: true } scope :backordered, -> { where state: 'backordered' } scope :on_hand, -> { where state: 'on_hand' } scope :pre_shipment, -> { where(state: PRE_SHIPMENT_STATES) } scope :shipped, -> { where state: 'shipped' } scope :post_shipment, -> { where(state: POST_SHIPMENT_STATES) } scope :returned, -> { where state: 'returned' } scope :canceled, -> { where(state: 'canceled') } scope :not_canceled, -> { where.not(state: 'canceled') } scope :cancelable, -> { where(state: Spree::InventoryUnit::CANCELABLE_STATES, pending: false) } scope :backordered_per_variant, ->(stock_item) do includes(:shipment, :order) .where("spree_shipments.state != 'canceled'").references(:shipment) .where(variant_id: stock_item.variant_id) .where('spree_orders.completed_at is not null') .backordered.order(Spree::Order.arel_table[:completed_at].asc) end # @method backordered_for_stock_item(stock_item) # @param stock_item [Spree::StockItem] the stock item of the desired # inventory units # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] backordered # inventory units for the given stock item scope :backordered_for_stock_item, ->(stock_item) do backordered_per_variant(stock_item) .where(spree_shipments: { stock_location_id: stock_item.stock_location_id }) end scope :shippable, -> { on_hand } include ::Spree::Config.state_machines.inventory_unit # Updates the given inventory units to not be pending. # # @deprecated do not use this, use # Spree::Stock::InventoryUnitsFinalizer.new(inventory_units).run! # @param inventory_units [] the inventory to be # finalized def self.finalize_units!(inventory_units) Spree::Deprecation.warn( "inventory_units.finalize_units!(inventory_units) is deprecated. Please use Spree::Stock::InventoryUnitsFinalizer.new(inventory_units).run!", caller ) inventory_units.map do |iu| iu.update_columns( pending: false, updated_at: Time.current ) end end # @return [Spree::StockItem] the first stock item from this shipment's # stock location that is associated with this inventory unit's variant def find_stock_item Spree::StockItem.where(stock_location_id: shipment.stock_location_id, variant_id: variant_id).first end # @return [Spree::ReturnItem] a valid return item for this inventory unit # if one exists, or a new one if one does not def current_or_new_return_item Spree::ReturnItem.from_inventory_unit(self) end # @return [BigDecimal] the portion of the additional tax on the line item # this inventory unit belongs to that is associated with this individual # inventory unit def additional_tax_total line_item.additional_tax_total * percentage_of_line_item end # @return [BigDecimal] the portion of the included tax on the line item # this inventory unit belongs to that is associated with this # individual inventory unit def included_tax_total line_item.included_tax_total * percentage_of_line_item end # @return [Boolean] true if this inventory unit has any return items # which have requested exchanges def exchange_requested? return_items.not_expired.any?(&:exchange_requested?) end def allow_ship? on_hand? end private def fulfill_order reload order.fulfill! end def percentage_of_line_item 1 / BigDecimal(line_item.quantity) end def current_return_item return_items.not_cancelled.first end def ensure_can_destroy if !backordered? && !on_hand? errors.add(:state, :cannot_destroy, state: state) throw :abort end if shipment.shipped? || shipment.canceled? errors.add(:base, :cannot_destroy_shipment_state, state: shipment.state) throw :abort end end end end