module Zanders class Address < SoapClient attr_reader :username attr_reader :password # Public: Initializes a new Address with username # and password # # username - A String username # password - A String password # # Returns a new Address service interface def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :username, :password) @username = options[:username] @password = options[:password] @testing = options.fetch(:testing, false) end def self.ship_to_number(address, options = {}) new(options).ship_to_number(address) end # Public: Get a shipToNumber for the address # provided in `address` # # address - Hash of the address # # Returns Hash containing the ship to number, or an error # code if the call failed def ship_to_number(address) request_data = build_request_data(address) response = soap_client(ADDRESS_API_URL).call(:use_ship_to, message: request_data) response = response.body[:use_ship_to_response][:return][:item] # Successful call return_code is 0 if response.first[:value] == "0" || response.first[:value] == "15" ship_to_number = # Let's dig to get to data we actually need. Yay, digging... parts = ship_to_number[:ship_to_number] = response.last[:value].first[1] # We only need the ship_to_number out of the data received ship_to_number[:ship_to_number] = parts.find { |i| i[:key] == "ShipToNo" }[:value] ship_to_number[:success] = true ship_to_number else { success: false, error_code: response.first[:value], error_message: (response.length == 3 ? response[1][:value] : nil) } end end private # Private: Combines request data with the username, # password, and type-cast assignments # # hash - Hash of request data # # Returns merged Hash def build_request_data(hash) { :attributes! => { addressinfo: { "xsi:type" => "ns2:Map" }, }, username: @username, password: @password, addressinfo: { item: [ { key: 'name', value: hash[:name] }, { key: 'address1', value: hash[:address1] }, { key: 'address2', value: hash[:address2] }, { key: 'city', value: hash[:city] }, { key: 'state', value: hash[:state] }, { key: 'zip', value: hash[:zip] }, { key: 'fflno', value: hash[:fflno] }, { key: 'fflexp', value: hash[:fflexp] } ] }, testing: @testing } end end end