# simplecolor * [Homepage](https://github.com/DamienRobert/simplecolor) * [Documentation](http://rubydoc.info/gems/simplecolor) * [Email](mailto:Damien.Olivier.Robert+gems@gmail.com) [![Gem Version](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/simplecolor.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/simplecolor) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/DamienRobert/simplecolor.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/DamienRobert/simplecolor) ## Description [rainbow]: https://github.com/sickill/rainbow [term-ansicolor]: https://github.com/flori/term-ansicolor [paint]: https://github.com/janlelis/paint A simple library for coloring text output. Heavily inspired by [rainbow], [term-ansicolor] and [paint]. By default this gem does not change the `String` class, unlike [rainbow]. The reason I wrote this gem is that when mixed in `String` it only adds two methods: `color` and `uncolor`. This is the main reason I don't use [term-ansicolor] which is more powerful, but adds more methods when mixed in. The gem [paint] is similar to this one, but with more powerful shortcuts definitions. ## Features - No string extensions (suitable for library development) - Mixing the library in `String` only add two methods: `color` and `uncolor`. - Supports setting any effects (although most terminals won’t support it) - Simple to use ## Examples ~~~ ruby require 'simplecolor' SimpleColor.color("blue", :blue, :bold) SimpleColor.color(:blue,:bold) { "blue" } SimpleColor.color(:blue,:bold) << "blue" << SimpleColor.color(:clear) SimpleColor.mix_in_string "blue".color(:blue,:bold) "\e[34m\e[1mblue\e[0m".uncolor ~~~ ## Usage There is a global switch `SimpleColor.enabled` to select the color mode. The possible values are - `true`: activate color output - `false`: desactivate all color output - `:shell`: activate color output for use in zsh prompt When using a color escape sequence in a prompt in zsh, zsh will count the escape sequences as part of the length of a prompt. To mark them as non printable, one has to wrap them around `%{` and `%}`. With `SimpleColor.enabled=:shell` this is done automatically by `SimpleColor`. ## Requirements None. ## Install ~~~ sh $ gem install simplecolor ~~~ This installs `v0.3.0`, the current `master` version may not work. When installing from git, you can regenerate the list of color names by running `data/rgb_colors.rb`. ## TODO - Autodetect color capabilities (using COLORTERM) - Use terminfo settings when possible - Better color conversion (RGB is non linear) - Utilities to darken/lighten colors ## Copyright Copyright © 2013–2020 Damien Robert MIT License. See [LICENSE.txt](./LICENSE.txt) for details.