    Copyright 2010-2014 Tasos Laskos <tasos.laskos@arachni-scanner.com>

    This file is part of the Arachni Framework project and is subject to
    redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Arachni Framework
    web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.

# Provides a notice for issues uncovered by timing attacks when the affected audited
# pages returned unusually high response times to begin with.
# @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <tasos.laskos@arachni-scanner.com>
# @version 0.3
class Arachni::Plugins::TimingAttacks < Arachni::Plugin::Base


    # Look for issue by tag name.
    TAG = 'timing'

    # Response times of a page must be greater or equal to this
    # in order to be considered.

    REMARK = 'This issue was discovered using a timing-attack but the audited ' +
        'page was exhibiting unusually high response times to begin with. ' +
        'This could be an indication that the logged issue is a false positive.'

    def prepare
        @times   = {}
        @counter = {}

    def restore( data )
        @times, @counter = *data

    def run
        # Run for each response as it arrives.
        http.on_complete do |response|
            # We don't care about non OK responses.
            next if response.code != 200

            url = response.parsed_url.up_to_path.persistent_hash

            @counter[url] ||= @times[url] ||= 0

            # Add up all request times for a specific path.
            @times[url] += response.time

            # Add up all requests for each path.
            @counter[url] += 1


        avg = {}

        # Calculate average request time for each path.
        @times.each_pair { |url, time| avg[url] = time / @counter[url] }

        Data.issues.each do |issue|
            issue.variations.each do |variation|
                response_time = avg[uri_parse( variation.vector.action ).up_to_path.persistent_hash]
                next if !issue.tags.includes_tags?( TAG ) || !response_time ||
                    response_time < TIME_THRESHOLD

                variation.add_remark :meta_analysis, REMARK

                # Requires manual verification.
                variation.trusted = false

    def suspend
        [@times, @counter]

    def self.info
            name:        'Timing attack anomalies',
            description: %q{
Analyzes the scan results and logs issues that used timing attacks while the
affected web pages demonstrated an unusually high response time; a situation
which renders the logged issues inconclusive or (possibly) false positives.

Pages with high response times usually include heavy-duty processing which makes
them prime targets for Denial-of-Service attacks.
            author:      'Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <tasos.laskos@arachni-scanner.com>',
            version:     '0.3',
            tags:        %w(anomaly timing attacks meta)
