require 'rbbt-util' require 'rbbt/sources/gscholar' require 'rbbt/util/filecache' # This module offers an interface with PubMed, to perform queries, and # retrieve simple information from articles. It uses the caching # services of Rbbt. module PubMed @@pubmed_lag = 1 # Performs the specified query and returns an array with the PubMed # Ids returned. +retmax+ can be used to limit the number of ids # returned, if is not specified 30000 is used. def self.query(query, retmax=nil) retmax ||= 30000"{retmax}&db=pubmed&term=#{query}",:quiet => true, :nocache => true).scan(/(\d+)<\/Id>/).flatten end # Processes the xml with an articles as served by MedLine and extracts # the abstract, title and journal information class Article XML_KEYS = [ [:title , "ArticleTitle"], [:journal , "Journal/Title"], [:issue , "Journal/JournalIssue/Issue"], [:volume , "Journal/JournalIssue/Volume"], [:issn , "Journal/ISSN"], [:year , "Journal/JournalIssue/PubDate/Year"], [:month , "Journal/JournalIssue/PubDate/Month"], [:pages , "Pagination/MedlinePgn"], [:author , "AuthorList/Author"], [:abstract , "Abstract/AbstractText"], ] PMC_PDF_URL = "" def self.escape_title(title) title.gsub(/(\w*[A-Z][A-Z]+\w*)/, '{\1}') end def self.make_bibentry(lastname, year, title) words = title.downcase.scan(/\w+/) if words.first.length > 3 abrev = words.first else abrev = words[0..2].collect{|w| w.chars.first} * "" end [lastname.gsub(/\s/,'_'), year || "NOYEAR", abrev] * "" end def self.parse_xml(xml) require 'nokogiri' #parser = LibXML::XML::Parser.string(xml) #pubmed = parser.parse.find("/PubmedArticle").first #medline = parser.find("MedlineCitation").first #article = medline.find("Article").first parser = Nokogiri.XML(xml) medline ="MedlineCitation").first article ="Article").first info = {} info[:pmid] ="PMID").first.content XML_KEYS.each do |p| name, key = p nodes = next if nodes.nil? || nodes.empty? info[name] = nodes.collect{|n| n.content } * "\n\n" end bibentry = nil info[:author] ="AuthorList/Author").collect do |author| begin lastname ="LastName").first.content if"ForeName").first.nil? forename = nil else forename ="ForeName").first.content.split(/\s/).collect{|word| if word.length == 1; then word + '.'; else word; end} * " " end bibentry ||= make_bibentry lastname, info[:year], info[:title] rescue end [lastname, forename] * ", " end * " and " info[:mesh] ="MeshHeadingList/MeshHeading").collect do |mesh| descriptor ="DescriptorName").first.attr('UI') qualifiers ="QualifierName").collect{|q| q.attr('UI')} [descriptor] + qualifiers.collect{|q| descriptor + q } end.compact.flatten info[:substance] ="NameOfSubstance").collect do |substance| substance.attr('UI') end info[:bibentry] = bibentry.downcase if bibentry info[:pmc_pdf] ="PubmedData/ArticleIdList/ArticleId").select{|id| id[:IdType] == "pmc"}.first if info[:pmc_pdf] info[:pmc_pdf] = PMC_PDF_URL.sub(/PMCID/, info[:pmc_pdf].content) end info end attr_accessor :title, :abstract, :journal, :author, :pmid, :bibentry, :pmc_pdf, :gscholar_pdf, :pdf_url, :mesh, :substance attr_accessor *XML_KEYS.collect{|p| p.first } def initialize(xml) if xml && ! xml.empty? info = PubMed::Article.parse_xml xml info.each do |key, value| self.send("#{ key }=", value) end end end def pmc_full_xml begin"{pmid}") rescue nil end end def pdf_url return pmc_pdf if pmc_pdf @gscholar_pdf ||= begin GoogleScholar::full_text_url title rescue Log.medium "GoogleScholar#full_text failed: #{title}" sleep 0.1 nil end end def full_text text = if pdf_url text = nil TmpFile.with_file do |pdf| # Change user-agent, oh well... `wget --user-agent=firefox #{ pdf_url } -O #{ pdf } -t 3` TmpFile.with_file do |txt| `pdftotext #{ pdf } #{ txt }` text = if File.exist?(txt) end end text elsif pmc_full_xml pmc_full_xml else nil end Misc.fixutf8(text) end def bibtex keys = [:author] + XML_KEYS.collect{|p| p.first } - [:bibentry] bibtex = "@article{#{bibentry},\n" keys.each do |key| next if self.send(key).nil? case key when :title bibtex += " title = { #{ PubMed::Article.escape_title title } },\n" when :issue bibtex += " number = { #{ issue } },\n" else bibtex += " #{ key } = { #{ self.send(key) } },\n" end end bibtex += " fulltext = { #{ pdf_url } },\n" if pdf_url bibtex += " pmid = { #{ pmid } }\n}" bibtex end # Join the text from title and abstract def text text = [title, abstract].join("\n") Misc.fixutf8(text) end end # Returns the Article object containing the information for the PubMed # ID specified as an argument. If +pmid+ is an array instead of a single # identifier it returns an hash with the Article object for each id. # It uses the Rbbt cache to save the articles xml. #def self.get_article(pmid) # if pmid.is_a? Array # missing = [] # list = {} # pmid.each{|p| # filename = p.to_s + '.xml' # if File.exists? FileCache.path(filename) # list[p] = # else # missing << p # end # } # return list unless missing.any? # articles = get_online(missing) # articles.each{|p, xml| # filename = p + '.xml' # FileCache.add(filename,xml) # list[p] = # } # return list # else # filename = pmid.to_s + '.xml' # if File.exists? FileCache.path(filename) # return # else # xml = get_online(pmid) # FileCache.add(filename,xml) # return # end # end #end def self.get_article(pmids) _array = Array === pmids pmids = [pmids] unless Array === pmids pmids = pmids.compact.collect{|id| id} chunk_size = 50 result_files = FileCache.cache_online_elements(pmids, 'pubmed-{ID}.xml') do |ids| result = {} values = [] chunks = Misc.divide(ids, (ids.length / chunk_size) + 1) Log::ProgressBar.with_bar(chunks.length, :desc => "Downloading articles from PubMed") do |bar| bar.init chunks.each do |list| begin Misc.try3times do url = "" postdata = "db=pubmed&retmode=xml&id=#{list* ","}" xml = TmpFile.with_file(postdata) do |postfile|, :quiet => true, :nocache => true, :nice => @@pubmed_lag, :nice_key => "PubMed", "--post-file=" => postfile)'?'+postdata, :quiet => true, :nocache => true, :nice => @@pubmed_lag, :nice_key => "PubMed", "--__post-file=" => postfile) end values += xml.scan(/(.*?<\/PubmedArticle>)/smu).flatten end rescue Aborted raise $! rescue Exception Log.exception $! ensure bar.tick end end end values.each do |xml| pmid = xml.scan(/]*?>(.*?)<\/PMID>/).flatten.first result[pmid] = xml end ids.each{|id| next if id.nil? or result[id]; fid = String === id ? id.sub(/^0+/,'') : id; next unless result[fid]; result[id] = result[fid]} ids.each{|id| next if id.nil? or result[id]; result[id] = ""} result end articles = {} pmids.each do |id| next if id.nil? or result_files[id].nil? txt =[id]) next if txt.empty? articles[id] = end if _array articles else articles.values.first end end end